Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



The Jour Fixe has taken place at Monday, May 13 from 09h30 - 17h15 at ILIAS office in Cologne with the following participants:

  • Björn Heyser, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Martin Studer, Fabian Wolf

1 Appointments

2013-05-16: Core developer meeting, Köln
2013-06-05: SIG Mathe+ILIAS in Stuttgart
2013-06-13: ILIAS-BW in Konstanz
2013-07-09: ILIAS-NRW in Köln
2013-07-11: Advisory Council, Dortmund
2013-08-28: 20th DevConf, Munich
2013-08-29 to 30: 12th ILIAS Conference Munich
2013-08-31: ILIAS 4.4.0_beta1

2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2 and 4.3

Last releases:

  • ILIAS 4.3.3 published at 26 April 2013
  • ILIAS 4.2.7 published at 03 January 2013
Next releases:
  • 4.3.4 is scheduled for June 2013
  • 4.2.8 is scheduled for 17 May 2013

We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:

  1. #6504 - Permissions of a blocked role can be overwritten:We suggest to make the following changes for the feature Block Role in 4.4:
    • If a role is blocked this status is saved in the database.
    • The checkbox "Block role" is toggled (after saving).
    • All permissions on this screen (node) are greyed out (and removed like already done). They cannot be changed as long as the role is blocked.
    • The role does not appear on the permission screens of sub-objects.
    • Once the role is "unblocked" (remove toggle and save) the permissions are re-instantiated according to the existing role permissions (and templates).
  2. #10196 - Course title not linked if joining is possible: We think this is a usability issue which should be already fixed in 4.3.
  3. #11016 - Anmeldung als Benutzer aus lokaler Datenbank nicht mehr möglich: We would like to avoid this type of confusion in the future and change the behaviour for ILIAS 4.4. The "default" authentication state for users should be abandonded. The authentication mode must always be set in the database. Since this default value is only present in the administration screens when users are edited, we only need to get rid of one option (the default option) and to migrate all existing users with mode "default" to the current default mode of the installation. Stefan will create a feature wiki page and paste the description there. We will list this under abandoned features.
  4. 11013 - Create Excel export file in User Accounts: Unfortunately the feature is currently unmaintained and only provided as it is. If we should improve it in any way, an entry in the feature wiki should be created.

3 Suggestions for Advisory Council Meeting

The following features are suggested for the advisory council and shall be discussed before in the Jour Fixe:

  1. Introducing Organizational Units Today we discussed the Seminar Management features suggested for ILIAS 4.4 and the organizational units proposed on this page. We support the introduction of organizational units in ILIAS and see it as a precondition for features listed on the Seminar Management page. We would like to schedule a basic implementation of the organizational units for 4.4 and to continue to discuss all other features after we gained more experience in a number of customer projects with "patched" solutions.
    • We prefer an implementation of the org-units that is based on existing concepts (RBAC, ilObject, ...):
      1. Organisational units are organised in an repository object subtree under the administration repository node.
      2. OrgUnits are derived from common Object classes (ilObject, ...)
      3. The (optional) creation of default local roles for employees and superiors is supported. (using global role templates)
      4. Local user administration is supported (similar to categories).
      5. Permission to access learning progress of the OrgUnit.
    • We will continue to discuss the details of the permissions, user interface and so on.
  2. Seminar Management: We will schedule the Introducing Organizational Units for 4.4 and would prefer to postpone the rest of the features for now. If anybody is interested in having single features of this list already implemented in 4.4, please add a comment and put the page on the JF agenda again.
  3. Complete XML Templates: The current implementation of the settings templates has added a lot of complexity to the code, e.g. in the survey module. We think that the maintenance effort to support this for all object types will be too high. We agree that a combination of didactic and settings templates in general makes sense, but we need an elegant way to support this kind of functionality in the code without the need to add many if-structures. The diversity of input GUI classes ("multiple" fields, dates, files, ...) makes it hard to do this in a general way. We would like to make this a topic on the developer meeting.
  4. REST Controller Plug-Ins: Due to missing time we have to postpone the discussion of this topic. Please add it again to the agenda when you want to discuss it.
  5. Tab Hook Plugins: Due to missing time we have to postpone the discussion of this topic. Please add it again to the agenda when you want to discuss it.

4 Feature Requests for ILIAS 4.4

4.1 Developing Issues 4.4


4.2 Postponed to Next Jour Fixe

There was not enough time to discuss the following suggestions. They are now on the agenda of the next Jour Fixe.

Feature Requests - Funding Available

  1. Custom Icons for Repository Object Plugins
  2. Individual Icons for Folders in Groups and Courses
  3. No Groups Assigned
  4. Statistics for Mediacasts
  5. Exceptions for Appointments with Recurrences
  6. Shared Resources Table
  7. Copy or Link objects: Repository and My memberships
  8. Portfolio-overview in member area of courses
  9. Skill Matrix
  10. Need for Support & Support Offer Notification
  11. Authentication Plugin Slot
  12. Searchable Extended Profiles with subtabs and drop-down menus
  13. Revision News Presentation
  14. Edit lock for wiki pages and/or page elements
  15. Search for Personal Profiles

Feature Requests - Funding Required / Unclear

  1. Assign Permissions of New Objects to Existing Roles
  2. Revision of MCQ: Alternative points specification for multiple choice question
  3. Retake Test
  4. Export and Import of Data Collections
  5. Data Collection - Grid editing
  6. Data Collection - New record in referenced table
  7. Data Collection - Edit button in single view
  8. Data Collection - History
  9. Data Collection - Preview of attachments
  10. Data Collection - Single view scrolling function
  11. Data Collection - Comments
  12. Data Collection - Additional media types
  13. Data Collection - ILIAS module references with action menu
  14. Data Collection - New field type formula
  15. Enhanced Permission Handling For DC Contributors
  16. E-Mail notification to the participant of a survey
  17. List of participants in an anonymous survey
  18. Metric rows in matrix questions
  19. Auto-fill for Course waiting list
  20. Repository Object Selection Input GUI
  21. Advanced Event Raising
  22. Client Side Editing of Image Maps
  23. Style Sheet Editor CSS3
  24. Role-based Activation of Portfolio
  25. Export and Import of Portfolios
  26. Default object settings
  27. Improvements of Tooltip Creation in Online Help
  28. Online Help: Search
  29. Enhance evaluation of ordering questions
  30. Setting Templates Course
  31. Mail via role assignment over the personal dektop
  32. PDF-Printing a Portfolio
  33. Temporary Role Memberships
  34. Object Terminator
  35. Verbesserte Testauswertung (Excel-Export)
  36. Localization of Client List
  37. Several questions on one test page
  38. Subtitles for MP4 Videos
  39. Portfolio Templates
  40. Assign global role to locale role
  41. RSS-Feed - select what kind of data will be collected from the groups, categories etc.
  42. Select users will always be notified when a new appointment was created
  43. Add action button in root of repository to provide webdav access
  44. Checkbox für Mehrfachbuchungen (Buchungstool)
  45. Subgroup-Item for Groups and Courses
  46. Mark postings automatically as read
  47. Selectable Updateintervall for RSS-Feeds
  48. Choose text color
  49. Letter Avatars
  50. Password Recovery by using secret question
  51. Discussion page for every wiki page
  52. One Sample Solution For All Users
  53. Different Views to Portfolios
  54. settings to share feedback of blogs
  55. Change password permission assignable to authentification method
  56. profiling of lists and matrix of competencies
  57. Copy Blog Pages
  58. icons in overview of a blog
  59. Improved Handling of Calendar
  60. Calendar: Performance Improvements
  61. Test Results: Link the question with an anchor
  62. Test Results: Show right answers in Show users detailed results (marked passed)
  63. Search results with additional information - Creation date
  64. Showing Bibliography in Portfolio
  65. Showing Courses and Groups in Portfolio
  66. Bibliography - Detail view
  67. Text Messaging SMS
  68. Avoid Unnecessary Repository Object Creation Permission Checks
  69. Maintenance Mode Enhancement
  70. Search for Personal Profiles

5 Miscellaneous

Next Jour Fixe

  • Monday, 29 May 2013, 09 a.m. at the ILIAS open source e-Learning office in Cologne

Last edited: 30. Apr 2018, 19:11, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]