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Search results with additional information - Creation date

1 Requirements

SysAdmins should have the possibility to decide, if they want show additional information in the search results for users.
Actually, users see:

  • Type;
  • Title/Description;
  • "Relevance";
  • Action-Menu
If on, users should see also the Creation date / Modification date of a file.:
  • Type;
  • Title/Description;
  • Modification date;
  • "Relevance";
  • Action-Menu
And: Results should be sortable by these fields.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 24 June 2013: The search results screen is not a classic "data table", since most of the information is in the "object" column which is reused from other container views (categories, courses, groups). Adding more columns does not seem to be feasible here. Another problem is, that we do not have modification dates in general. E.g. for some objects that provide re-use from pools (learning modules, media pools) it is almost impossible to provide modifications dates.
On the other side the creation date could be used easily. We could e.g. introduce some filter that allows to list only items that have been created in the last month or have been created by a specific user. But before we can decide upon this feature request we need to have a general concept for the  "modification date" of an object because the creation date is often not sufficient (think of a learning module that has been created a long time ago and always updated and used).

HL 17 July 2013:
>"We could eg. introduce some filter that allows to list only items that have been created in the last month ...". This is a good idea.

We suggest:
vor Datum [x]
an Datum [x]
nach Datum [x]

Erstellt in den letzten [x] [Tage / Wochen oder Monate]

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], August 03, 2015: We highly appreciate this feature and schedule it for 5.1. We suggest some improvements in the naming:

  • the label of the radio group should be: "Type" (instead of "Filter by Creation Date").
  • the option "Search by Duration" should be called "Search by Age".
  • the option "Search be Date" should be called "Search by Date Period".

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], August 27, 2015: We appreciate the new solution (see ILIAS.de/test51) and support this version. There are open just some bugs and questions, which we sent as excel file at Stefan Meyer some time ago. Please feel free to contact us, if you have any question about this excel file.

4 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • http://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/6007: Suche nach Erstellungsdatum aktivieren


Tested successfully and approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 27. Aug 2015, 15:14, Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler]