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settings to share feedback of blogs

1 Requirements

Blogs and portfolios should get two more settings to control the adding and reading of comments:
Who is allowed to add a comment? : The author of a blog or the owner of a portfolio should be able to decide which persons or target groups are allowed to add comments to a shared blog. This allows to distinguish between those users who can only read the blog or portfolio page and those who are also allowed to add comments.
Who is allowed to read a comment? : The user who adds a comment to a blog or portfolio should be able to define who is allowed to read the comment:

  • only the author of the blog
  • or also all other users that are allowed to read the blog / portfolio

We have to decide if it should also be possible to add comments for those persons who are not registered at an installation. This would be users that have the global role Anonymous.

Releated Feature Wiki Pages:

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
  • Funding:  Funded by ...
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Karola Koch / kkoch@hsu-hh.de  or  Oliver Samoila / oliver.samoila@hs-owl.de

4 Discussion

zitierter Kommentar von M. Kunkel: Das ist eine generelle Änderung am ILIAS-weiten Kommentar-System, das ja auch von anderen Tools in ILIAS genutzt wird. Einen Kommentar, den nur der Kommentator und der Besitzer des Blogs lesen können, sollten wir vielleicht eher "Feedback" nennen.

JF 24 June 2013: We are unsure of the details of this proposal.

  • Is it all about controling the "private feedback" or to control both: Who can add comments and who can add "private feedbacks"?
  • How should the author control who can give any of these things? Per user per group, ...?
  • There are some similarities and some differences between comments and private feedbacks. The presentation could be very similar, e.g. but the private feedback makes only sense, if the content is a "personal content" (blog and portfolio) not in other cases like learning module or wikis. So we think it could be a separate feature.
Our current preference:
  • We add a feature where the author can adminstrate a list of persons/courses/groups that may give private feedback to the user. If a person/group/course is added that is not in the "shared" list yet, it will be added automatically.
  • The author should be notified.
  • Please describe the workflow for tutors and learners in more detail.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 27. Mar 2015, 09:48, Wilkens, Ulrike [wilkens]