Feature Wiki
Page Overview
[Hide]The Jour Fixe has taken place at Monday, March 18 from 09h15 - 14h30 at ILIAS office in Cologne with the following participants:
- Björn Heyser, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Jan Rocho, Florian Suittenpointner, Klaus Vorkauf, Fabian Wolf
1 Appointments
2013-03-21: 19th DevConf, PH Zürich
2013-03-31: Feature Freeze for 4.4
2013-04-15: Jour Fixe
2013-05-07: ILIAS-Nord in Bad Segeberg
2013-08-28: 20th DevConf, Munich
2013-08-29 to 30: 12th ILIAS Conference Munich
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2 and 4.3
Last releases:
- ILIAS 4.3.2 published at 08 March 2013
- ILIAS 4.2.7 published at 03 January 2013
- ILIAS 4.1.10 published at 03 February 2013 (maintenance ended)
- 4.3.3 is scheduled for April 2013
- 4.2.8 is scheduled for end of March 2013
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:
- Scheduled Activation for all Repository Objects: We apologize that the documentation of the discussion on this page is missing. We definitely discussed this multiple times in the team. For now we discussed two alternatives: The first one would be to keep the settings as they are now and to give access to results with the "visible" permission only. The second alternative would be to re-instantiate the 4.2 session start/end time settings beside the availability time frame settings. We decided to go with the second solution, since it would be unusual to put so much funtionality behind the "visible" permission. Jörg will take care of this.
- Mantis #0010298: Zuordnungsfrage: Darstellung eines falschen Zuordnungspaars als richtiges Zuordnungspaar: Since negative points are possible for other question types, too, there is no reason to prevent this for the matching questions. The "best" solution should not list pairs with negative or zero points.
- Mantis #0009917: Auto-completion in course and group member administration fails: The bug has been put onto the Jour Fixe agenda, but we are not aware what we should discuss conceptually here.
- Mantis #10786: Usability of Calendar List View: The calendar does not list appointments of other courses, only private and global calendars. This set of appointments has been used in the "monthly" view before, the list view is just another presentation of the same set of appointments as in ILIAS 4.2. We agree that this could be improved, e.g. to offer different filters for the user that enables to show/hide private/global/other courses appointments, but this would be a feature request. Also the linking to object type dependent screens like requested here for sessions (please note that no all appointments are session appointments).
3 Feature Requests for ILIAS 4.4
3.1 Funded Features - Re-Scheduled
The following features have already been scheduled by the Jour Fixe for 4.3 but postponed due to missing funding. Now there is funding to implement these features.
- Sharing personal calendars: We still appreciate this feature and re-schedule it for 4.4.
- Selection box in Course Relevant User Data combined with Other-Field: We still appreciate this feature and re-schedule it for 4.4.
- Participation List: We still appreciate this feature and re-schedule it for 4.4.
- Permission to Edit Content of Glossary: We still appreciate this feature and re-schedule it for 4.4.
- Deactivate Mail to Members in Course Settings: We still appreciate this feature and re-schedule the solution outlined above in the comment of the JF 16 Apr 2012 for 4.4.
- Number of Rows in Tables: We still appreciate this feature and re-schedule the missing tables for 4.4.
- Sorting in Survey Statistics: We still appreciate the feature and re-schedule it for 4.4.
- Reorganising Administration: We still appreciate the feature and re-schedule it for 4.4. We will continue the conceptual discussion before starting to do any implementation.
- Hard Quota for Personal Workspace: We still appreciate the feature and re-schedule it for 4.4.
- Matrixansicht mit Name und Vorname der Nutzer: We still appreciate the feature and re-schedule it for 4.4.
- Emphasized Buttons for Primary Action: We still appreciate this usability improvement and re-schedule it for 4.4. However we would like to keep the discussion open and look for other possibilities to improve these screens/workflows, too.
3.2 Funded Features - New
- Page Editor Plugin Slot: We appreciate this plugin slot and schedule it for 4.4. The technical concepts will be worked out during the implementation together with the different stakeholders.
- Consultation Hour Improvements: We appreciate the "consultation hours in portfolios" feature and schedule it for 4.4.
- Booking Notice for Consultation Hours: We still appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.4.
3.3 Funding Required / Unclear
- Multiple Choice K'/Kprim: We highly appreciate the question type and schedule it for 4.4. It is important for us to see, that three different institutions have a strong need for this question type. We would ask the University of Berne to get an agreement on a final concept from Marburg and Giessen.
- Portfolio-overview in member area of courses: We discussed two alternatives today:
- Introducing a new Column "Portfolio" as presented in the screenshot above. The column would list all portfolios shared with the logged in user.
- Advantages
- Re-Use of existing members view.
- ll exisiting features of the view can be combined.
- Disadvantages
- The activation of the "Portfolio" column is "hidden" in a list of user profile properties.
- Different scenarios like membership administration and portfolio workflows would need different sets of columns. Activating all of them makes the view quite complex, esp. a column with portfolio titles could need some space.
- Advantages
- Introducing a new subtab "Portfolios" (under the Members tab) which would be activated in the course settings and lists all members (no tutors and administrators) with a list of their portfolios. Other relevant columns (e.g. passed) can be added, too.
- Advantages
- A new view could be aligned to the needs of the porfolio scenario (e.g. using special filters).
- Portfolio relevant features could be added, e.g. tutors would be able to mark the "relevant" portfolios.
- We would have two views, but each of them would be less complex.
- Disadvantages
- Not all features of the member view would be automatically in the new view (e.g. "Accessed Refused", "Notification")
- View must be activated in the settings.
- Advantages
- We did not come to a conclusion today, as the core team would more prefer solution two, but the FH Dortumd more alternative number one. We would like to collect other users opinions on this. Please add your comments and add the point to our Jour Fixe agenda again.
- Introducing a new Column "Portfolio" as presented in the screenshot above. The column would list all portfolios shared with the logged in user.
- Learning Progress for Repository Object Plugins: Parts of this should also be possible with 4.3. We have to check whether your needs are all met by the implementation (and provide better documentation). If this is not the case we appreciate and further implementation that enables the plugins to use the learning progress feature and schedule it for 4.4.
- Tagging of Single Weblinks: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.4. It would require to enable tagging for subobjects of repository objects at all. This could be interesting for wiki pages, glossary terms and other subobjects.
- Kategorien für Weblinks: For us the use of a local taxonomy would be a better idea than introducing a hierarchical folder structure in the weblink object. Please check the taxonomy feature in the glossaries of ILIAS 4.3 and let us know if this would fit your needs. Please put the feature on the Jour Fixe agenda again, if we should include it in 4.4.
- Formative Assessment: The trunk integration of the first two points has been discussed today. We support the optional ilQuestionCondition interface in the trunk to support the development of the plugin. We also support the possibility for plugins to use the learning progress feature. If the formative assessment plugin will be a success and other institutions (outside of the optes project) show interests to have this in the trunk, we will discuss a possible trunk integration.
3.4 Postponed to Next Jour Fixe
There was not enough time to discuss the following suggestions. They are now on the agenda of the next Jour Fixe.
Funded Features:
- ILIAS Cloud Folder / Cloud Interface
- Mobile Support Style Sheet Editor
- Usability Improvements of Assignments and Grading Screens in Exercises
- Enhanced Permission Handling For DC Contributors
- Default Sorting of Objects in Repo
- Design for the Maintenance Page
- PDF Storage of e-Exams
- Hard Quota for Personal Workspace
- Limit the number of media playbacks
- Prevent auto complete and spell checking
- Cloze Question: Separately configured gap lengths
- Sonderzeichen-Editor in Textfeldern
- Import/Export plugin hooks for Tests
- Improved Filter and Taxonomy Presentation for Glossaries
- Advanced Metadata for Glossary Terms
- Automatically link terms in LM to glossary
- Option to hide header/footer in Print View
- Internal links to Sessions
- Rating for Learning Modules and Files
- Individual Icons for Folders in Groups and Courses
- Statistics for Mediacasts
- Exceptions for Appointments with Recurrences
- No Groups Assigned
- SOAP Function getLearningProgressChanges
- Slot for Plugin to sign exams digitally
- Links in Online Help Texts to make Cross-References
- Link to User Name
- Delimiter Tag for Paragraphs
- Number of pages
- Cloze Question Improvements
- Matching Question
- Cloze question: Points on gap combinations
Not Funded / Funding Unclear:
- E-Mail notification to the participant of a survey
- List of participants in an anonymous survey
- Metric rows in matrix questions
- Auto-fill for Course waiting list
- Repository Object Selection Input GUI
- Advanced Event Raising
- Client Side Editing of Image Maps
- Style Sheet Editor CSS3
- Role-based Activation of Portfolio
- Export and Import of Portfolios
- Export and Import of Data Collections
- Default object settings
- Improvements of Tooltip Creation in Online Help
- Online Help: Search
- Enhance evaluation of ordering questions
- Setting Templates Course
- Mail via role assignment over the personal dektop
- PDF-Printing a Portfolio
- Temporary Role Memberships
- Object Terminator
- Assign Permissions of New Objects to Existing Roles
- Revision News Presentation
- Verbesserte Testauswertung (Excel-Export)
- CSS Support Blogs Portfolios
- Internal Link Wiki Page
- Localization of Client List
- Several questions on one test page
- Search for Personal Profiles
- Subtitles for MP4 Videos
- Portfolio Templates
- Configurable TinyMCE
- Assign global role to locale role
- RSS-Feed - select what kind of data will be collected from the groups, categories etc.
- Select users will always be notified when a new appointment was created
- Add action button in root of repository to provide webdav access
4 Miscellaneous
Deactivation of Former Subversion Server svn.ilias.uni-koeln.de
- The former subversion server
will be shutdown at March 25, 2013. Since January all maintained ILIAS versions and branches are stored atsvn.ilias.de
Next Jour Fixe
- Monday, 15 April 2013, 09 a.m. at the ILIAS open source e-Learning office in Cologne
Last edited: 30. Apr 2018, 19:11, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]