Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Link to User Name

1 Requirements

In a wiki or other content objects you are sometimes mentioning users of the same platform. Good example is this feature wiki where I have to add a contact in TOP 3. At the time being we either add the user's e-mail address or - more sophisticated - add a link to the user's public profile (which is unfortunately a bit too complicated to be done easily...).

I suggest to add a new feature to the page editor which allows to write a tag for the ILIAS user name similar to the wiki link. Example:

  • I would like to link to the profile (or vcard) of Matthias Kunkel and I know his user name mkunkel.
  • I write something like "... please contact [+mkunkel+]" (or use an appropriate button on top).
  • ILIAS makes this tag a link to my profile (like we know it from the forum or other tools ...).

This feature would respect the existing privacy rules in ILIAS (if no public profile is activated, ILIAS shows simply the unlinked user name) and would not offer e-mail addresses any more (which can be collected today even when they are not written with a @).

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 15 Apr 2012: We appreciate this feature and schedule it for 4.4. We currently prefer an extension of the "internal link" feature to offer a new type "User". The editor should always show the account name of the user whereas internally the ID should be stored.

Matthias Kunkel, 04 Nov 2013: Postponed to 4.5 due to missing resources.

Matthias Kunkel, 26 Oct 2014: Postponed due to missing ressources.

Matthias Kunkel, 20 Feb 2015: Funding is available. Re-scheduled for 5.1

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], June 08, 2015: This feature should not be restricted to wikis but available in other objects, too - e.g. ILIAS learning modules.

4 Implementation

The feature hast been enabled for Wikis for now.

Enable your profile to get a linked version of the user name:

In the editor, click on the "User" icon in the "Links" section -> an internal link for the user will be added.

The resulting page shows a user link (if public profile is enabled) or just the [username] if not.


  • http://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/5098 : Automatische Verlinkung von Benutzernamen im Text


Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], May 20, 2015: Tested successfully and approved.

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:26, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]