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Notification for activities in Portfolio and My Workspace

1 Requirements

All users should get an email notification on recent share activities (for My Workspace and Portfolio).
When you share a portfolio or document, you may wish to inform the users with whom you shared your portfolio/document.
For example:
“Max Muster shared his Portfolio (name of the Portfolios) with you.
Permanent Link to the Portfolio

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Klaus Vorkauf / klaus.vorkauf@fh-dortmund.de

4 Discussion

SIG E-Portfolio, 23 Jan 2015: Should be discussed as part of the General revision and unification of the notification system(s) workshop. We have to make a trade of between information and spamming.

Antonia Weber, 17.07.2015: We developed a notification for "My workspace". 

Since the users don't know when a new file or blog is shared, we added the button "Share and notifie by mail" next to the "Share"-button. The user can notifie users, groups and courses (the option "everybody" is not available in our installation).

In the notification-mail the user finds the name of the file/blog and if it's a file the link to download the file.

This feature was developed for ILIAS 4.4 by leifos in My workspace. Since sharing in My workspace and Portfolio has the same logic, it could be used for the Portfolio as well.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 17. Jul 2015, 11:12, Undisclosed