Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Kategorien für Weblinks

This article should be available in English!

ILIAS is an international project. Everyone participating in the community should have a chance to inform oneself about new developments. Therefore, the community agreed on using English in the Feature Wiki. Please take consideration of your community fellows.

1 Requirements

Angelehnt an das Tagging of Single Weblinks wäre es sinnvoll auch Kategorien im Weblink Obkjekt anlegen zu können. So kann man z. B. bei MOOC's die Weblinks entsprechend dem Wochenthema anlegen.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail

4 Discussion

JF 18 Mar 2013: For us the use of a local taxonomy would be a better idea than introducing a hierarchical folder structure in the weblink object. Please check the taxonomy feature in the glossaries of ILIAS 4.3 and let us know if this would fit your needs. Please put the feature on the Jour Fixe agenda again, if we should include it in 4.4.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 05 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 5. Aug 2022, 09:47, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]