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Numerical evaluation in tracking of learning progress

1 Requirements

The idea of this new feature, can be defined such as add a new option in the configuration of 'learning progress' of Ilia's containers (courses, folders and groups). This new option allows to get a score or a numerical value for each of the users participating in a course(or any Ilia’s containers). This numerical value will depend on the result obtained by the user in each of the selected objects to be considered for the learning progress of the container. Each of these scores will be affected by the weight given to the corresponding resource in a collection of objects.
This means that in some objects which are capable learning progress, should make the creation or adaptation of a new numeric field. Some must be completed by the tutor, generally by manual input, and other cases will be automatically obtained by ILIAS (eg, % obtained in a test).
The components of Ilias that are affected are:

  • Ilias’s containers (groups, folders and courses).
  • Ilias’s objects:
    • Learning Modules: The value is obtained from the percentage that is currently obtained, and automatically, on student progress.
    • Tests: The value is obtained from the percentage that is currently obtained, and automatically, on the outcome of the tests completed by the student.
    • Exercises: The value can be entered manually or by an automatic calculation based on the assignment of a weight / value to each of the tasks.
    • Sessions: We must to add a new field to store this value. Will be assigned manually.
Also, one could add 'learning progress' to other objects that do not currently covered, like forum or Wiki (Wiki currently contains a field to assign a score, but apparently not done anything with it).

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • Final Project, promoted by the Department of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Jaén(Spain).
  • If you want to know more about this feature, or its implementation, please contact: fgm00026@red.ujaen.es

4 Discussion

JF 4 Mar 2013: We agree that this could be an interesting extension of the learning progress feature. However there are some details that need to be clarified in the concept. E.g. how points for tests are calculated that have a percentage > 0 but have been failed. In general we prefer any technical solution that does not depend on changes in the components (test, exercise, ...) but only extends the current learning progress code.
Please also note that, if the code is provided by a person that is currently not a maintainer of the code, integration costs must be funded and the code may be rejected by the maintainer if it does not comply with general conventions or quality, see the list of maintainers and the rules for developers.

Francisco Gámez (FranGamez) 9 Mar 2013:
Currently, I am editing a document that shows the design of the new feature in detail. I hope to have it finished soon.

Francisco Gámez (FranGamez) 4 July 2013:
Here is the functional design and test plan of the new functionality suggested.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 24 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation

Last edited: 24. Aug 2022, 09:02, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]