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Temporary Role Memberships

1 Requirements

The idea of temporary role memberships is probably best explained with a specific scenario:
Students in our ILIAS installation have a global role called "Student" which grants them all necessary permissions. But students can also work as assistents ("Hiwis") for lecturers even up the point where the "Hiwis" create courses for their lecturers. For this purpose we have a (global) role called "Instituts-Hiwi" which we grant to individual students in addition to their "normal" global role and only at the request of lecturers, professors etc.
But these lecturers of course also have to remember to tell us when students stop working for them so we can strip these formers student employees of their "Hiwi" role again.
And this is where temporary role memberships might come in very handy.
I can imagine two possible ways to implement this which I’d like to leave open for discussion:
a) The role itself is a kind of "special" role which has the property of a (relative) fixed temporary membership. So if I define a membership length of e.g. 6 month and add a user to that role today the clock starts ticking. If a add another user in a week from now, she get’s 6 months again etc. pp.
The upside: Perhaps (?) easier to implement. The downside: Not very flexible, only a fixed membership term for the role globally.
b) The temporary role membership is a property of the user account, not the role. That would provided a greater flexibility to a keep different users in the same role for different lengths of time.
The upside: No role would have to be special, greater flexibility both across roles and for the timeframes. The downside: Perhaps (?) more complicated to implement.
Right now this is just a first draft of an idea I want to put up for discussion. What do others think? (I’ve basically described the scenario that triggerd the idea, there might be more.)

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Christian Bogen / christian.bogen@izus.uni-stuttgart.de

4 Discussion

2013-02-13 KSchmidt:
That's similar to what a user asked me a couple of days ago: He wanted to temporarly limit the course membership for students. Something like a trial course membership that runs out automatically after a certain time if it isn't renewed in some way (for example by manually changing the role from trial to full membership). "Running out" in this context means that the student's access to the course would be blocked after a certain time. This would be a special case of your feature request :-)

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 03 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 3. Aug 2022, 11:05, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]