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Improved survey statistics display

1 Requirements

The layout of survey statistics in ILIAS and the exported Excel data is very hard to read as it lacks basic formatting. A few simple changes would go a long way to making the survey summary much more usable. A few sections and separators would much improve this part of the ILIAS user interface.

  • Survey summaries in ILIAS lack proper separation between questions and question blocks (see image). Introduce white space to separate.
  • The same problem plagues the Excel export (see image). Introduce free lines to separate content that belongs together.
  • The order of items should be according to their importance. Question > median > diagram > numerical breakdown > respondents. Respondents (answered & skipped) are too prominent at the moment.
  • The summary statistics often don't make sense. Questions in a block are automatically averaged even though that often does not make sense. Therefore, the summary should go last.

Since the histogram is positioned directly above the question, it is a common mistake to believe that it shows the results to that question. Here, a simple separator would make it clear that the question is the beginning of the next section and that the diagram does not belong to it.


The default Excel export is similarly unstructured (left). A few separators would do wonders towards increasing the ease of reading the results (right).

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail
  • Related to Survey Usability Improvements

4 Discussion

AT 2015-07-21: I have administered a survey with martix questions and everything worked brilliantly.
I interpret my results in the Results tab because I do not need refined statistical methods: I can derive a lot of information from comparing the two basic measures of central tendency "Most Selected Value" and "Median": Are they the same? Is the Median left or right of the Most Selected Value? This speaks to me.
I stumbled accross a usability issue:
For the column "Most Selected Value" I am presented with the value and its text.
For the column "Median" I am just presented with a number.
It would be helpful for me if the calue AND text was displayed for the Median as well.

In the subtab "Details" the Median is as well only given with a number. Could in these tables the number and the value be shown? Could the Most Selected Value be shown in the table, too?

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 16 SEP 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 16. Sep 2022, 08:05, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]