Feature Wiki
Information about planned and released features
Page Overview
[Hide]The Jour Fixe took place at Tuesday, February 05 from 09h15 - 14h00 at Databay office in Würselen. Participants were:
- Nadia Ahmad, Jean-Luc Braun, Jochen Erkens (FH Aachen), Björn Heyser, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes)
1 Appointments
2013-02-06: Workshop on Org Units, Qualitus, Köln
2013-02-15: ILIASuisse, PH Zürich
2013-02-20: ILIAS-NRW, Uni Münster
2013-03-21: 19th DevConf, PH Zürich
2013-03-31: Feature Freeze for 4.4
2013-08-28: 20th DevConf, Munich
2013-08-29 to 30: 12th ILIAS Conference Munich
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.2 and 4.3
Last releases:
- ILIAS 4.3.1 published at 14 January 2013
- ILIAS 4.2.7 published at 03 January 2013
- ILIAS 4.1.10 published at 03 February 2013 (maintenance ended)
- 4.3.2 is scheduled for 21 Feb 2013
- 4.2.8 is scheduled for March 2013
- #10513 - No chance to fix the posting of another user in a repository blog : or now it would be good, if users with write permission are able to deactivate a posting. As a feature request we may allow editing of postings in the future (and listing all editor which are not the original author) and convenient functions like automatic notifications.
- # 10504 - Multi-Input-Form: For the keywords in blogs:
- the fields should not be required (it should be possible to remove all keywords)
- an "info text" should be added "Use +/- icons to add and remove keywords."
- if possible the return key in an input field should trigger the + icon.
- #8481 - User Autocomplete Behaviour: We appreciate Michael's solution and wrote some guidelines at User Privacy and Visibility Guideline
- #10410 - Course Notifications and/or News: postponed to 18 Feb 2013 when maintainer joins the Jour Fixe.
3 Feature Requests for ILIAS 4.4
3.1 Funded Features
- Generic Cron Jobs and Pluginslot in Cronjob: We appreciate the development of generic cron jobs and schedule it for 4.4. After the core implementation is done, the plugin slot can be tackled.
- Formula Question Type: We appreciate the feature and support the move to the trunk with 4.4. The interface should be streamlined and structured (e.g. subheading should be used in forms) and import/export should work. Jochen Erkens will put some screenshots of the editing screens into this page. We will continue to discuss the interface.
- New Posting Notification With Text: We agree that this notifications could be improved. (a) Including the first text paragraph of a blog posting, when the posting is published is feasible. (b) A publish action for wikis should be avoided, if this conflicts with the collaborative editing of all pages. We could delay the first notification of a wiki page to the time when a first content element is saved into the page. If this is a text element, the text could be included in the notification. We open the discussion for everyone and schedule the development for 4.4.
- Preview Of File Content: We highly appreciate the feature and support V2, too. Thanks for developing all these prototypes.
- Download Multiple Files or Folders: Alex did not mean that necessarily you fix the problem of the existing feature. However we need to tackle for both features the issue of too large zip files being created due to the possiblity of big hierarchical folder/file structures under a folder. ILIAS should first examine the structure and calculate the overall size of the files that should be compressed. It must be possible to limit this size in the ILIAS administration and to abort the process with a failure message like "The overall size of the selected files (xxGB) is too big. Please select less files." We schedule the feature (action drop down alternative) for 4.4.
- Revision of Language Maintenance: We still support these improvements and re-schedule them for 4.4.
- Display SVN-Revision: We highly appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.4. The information should be displayed on the Administation » Server Data screen (under ILIAS version).
- Taxonomies for Test Questions: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.4.
3.2 Funding Required / Unclear
- Global Taxonomies: We appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.4.
- Multiple Choice Image Map: We appreciate the feature and would like to have it in the trunk as an extension of the existing question type as well.
3.3 Postponed to Next Jour Fixe
- Different test parts for randomized tests
- Item preview from question pool plus feedback
- E-Mail notification to the participant of a survey
- List of participants in an anonymous survey
- Metric rows in matrix questions
- Pluginslot in Cronjob
- Assign global role to locale role
- RSS-Feed - select what kind of data will be collected from the groups, categories etc.
- Select users will always be notified when a new appointment was created
- Selecting recipients for group and course mails
- Auto-fill for Course waiting list
- Repository Object Selection Input GUI
- Advanced Event Raising
- Explorer/Locator Guideline
- Client Side Editing of Image Maps
- Style Sheet Editor CSS3
- Role-based Activation of Portfolio
- Export and Import of Portfolios
- Usability Improvements of Assignments and Grading Screens in Exercises
- Showing Calendar in Portfolio
- Add action button in root of repository to provide webdav access
- Enhanced Permission Handling For DC Contributors
- Default object settings
- Improvements of Tooltip Creation in Online Help
- Online Help: Search
- Enhance evaluation of ordering questions
- Setting Templates Course
4 Miscellaneous
- Maintainerships: The cron job feature has become a new component under maintainership. First maintainer will be Jörg Lützenkirchen, Leifos GmbH, second maintainer Björn Heyser, Databay AG.
- Next Jour Fixe: Monday, 18 February 2013, 9 a.m., at ILIAS open source office in Cologne
Last edited: 30. Apr 2018, 19:11, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]