Feature Wiki
Page Overview
[Hide]The Jour Fixe took place at Monday, January 07 from 09h20 to 14h30 at ILIAS office in Cologne. Participants were:
- Jean-Luc Braun, Björn Heyser, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Fabian Wolf
1 Appointments
2013-01-21: Jour Fixe
2013-02-18: ILIASuisse, PH Zürich
2013-03-21: 19th DevConf, PH Zürich
2013-03-31: Feature Freeze for 4.4
2013-08-29 to 30: ILIAS Conference Munich
2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3
Last releases:
- ILIAS 4.3.0 published at 28 November 2012
- ILIAS 4.2.7 published at 03 January 2013
- ILIAS 4.1.9 published at 29 March 2012
- 4.3.1 is scheduled for 10 January 2013
- 4.2.8 is scheduled for March 2013
- 4.1.10 is scheduled for 24 January 2012
- 10392 : Hidden files (.DS_Store) should not be shown in "My Repository Objects": We need to clarify with the WebDAV maintainer why it is necessary to include these files in the WebDAV submission at all. What would happen, if we simply would not store them on ILIAS side and exclude them already in the WEBDav layer?
- #10381: LP mode "Manual by Learner": Even if the mode is called ".. by Learner" we should also offer tutors to set the learning progress mode - for which reason ever. We keep the behaviour as it is - as long as there are no serious objections.
- 10299: System messages, help, tool tips and mail notifications disappear after resize: This kind of behaviour becomes more and more common in applications, also on the desktop (e.g. office for mac). If the width is too low and we want to prevent horizontal scrolling, there are no alternatives. The help system e.g. is unusable in this screen size when four columns are displayed.
3 Feature Requests for ILIAS 4.4
3.1 Funded Features
- Continuous Testing Mode: In general we appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.4. The discussion of the details of the implementation should be further discussed with the core team. We would like to avoid the "self assessment" term and split the overall idea into multiple features that can be used separately.
- Question Pools: Use of Taxonomies. Similar to glossaries taxonomies can be used to structure content in question pools. This feature can be used separately of later usage of taxonomies in tests.
- Tests: Continuous Testing Mode. This mode works on "the same level" as the current "random" mode. If used, a question pool must be selected as the base for the set of questions (if possible the selection of multiple pools would be nice). It should not be necessary that these question pools use taxonomies. If they don't the questions of the pool(s) should be handled as "one topic".
- Tests: If the continuous testing mode is selected and the selected pools are attached to taxonomies, an option "User Selects Topics From Taxonomy" is offered. This would allow the user to select topics before starting the test.
- Tests: If the continuous testing mode is selected and the selected pools are attached to taxonomies, an option "Taxonomy Determines Sequence" is offered. If activated the selection of the next question is determined by the taxonomy (like described above), otherwise the selection is "randomized".
- Empty Mail Trash via System Check: This could be done as a cron job, but what we would really like to have would be a abstraction of "maintenance jobs" in a way that the current system check becomes "extensible" by the ILIAS components.
- abstract classes for maintenance jobs
- maintenance jobs can be defined by components
- all maintenance jobs can be listed on the current system check page, but also on the administration screens of the single components (in a "generic" way)
- maintenance jobs can be included in the cron job
- maintenance jobs can provide a "dry run" feature
- We should open a new feature wiki page Maintenance Jobs for this.
3.2 Funding Required / Unclear
- Maintenance Jobs: We highly appreciate this feature and would like to schedule it for 4.4. We are looking for funding as it enables requested features like Empty Mail Trash via System Check.
- Extending Data Collection: We appreciate the features 1.1 to 1.5 and schedule them for 4.4. We realised that the current editing view is quite uncommon for ILIAS since it tries to put two dimensions (tables and fields) on one page. It would be better to have a tab "Tables" first that lists all tables and then an action drop down "per table". The title of the table could lead to the editing of the fields of the table (or an edit action link).This way the "Add Table" and "Add Field" buttons would be on separate screens. We add this as point 1.6.
- Split Password Service Template Variable: We appreciate this change and schedule it for 4.4. Please inform Stefan if you make these changes, he may adopt the login screen editing feature.
- Improving Version Handling: We appreciate the idea and schedule it for 4.4.
- Customizable Online Help Packages: We agree that a customization of the help packages is needed in the long run. As the online help has just been released with 4.3 we need to collect user experiences in the next months first. It may be necessary to make some fundamental changes to the concepts and this should be done before we add customization features in the core. So we keep this discussion open for now but the implemenation of it may be more a 4.5 feature than a 4.4 feature. Please collect cases of your customization needs on this page (similar to the "repository" renaming case).
- Date questions: We understand the requirement. We think that this feature could be a trunk feature, since it is not too individual. We would like to keep the discussion open for now and wait, if any other institutions would like to have this as a trunk feature. Please set this topic on the agenda again, if you would like to see it in the trunk.
- New Question-Type: Numerical question slider: We understand the requirement. We think that this feature could be a trunk feature, since it is not too individual. We would like to keep the discussion open for now and wait, if any other institutions would like to have this as a trunk feature. Please set this topic on the agenda again, if you would like to see it in the trunk.
3.3 Postponed to Next Jour Fixe
- E-Mail notification only once after the end of the survey
- E-Mail notification to the participant of a survey
- List of participants in an anonymous survey
- Metric rows in matrix questions
- Pluginslot in Cronjob
- Assign global role to locale role
- RSS-Feed - select what kind of data will be collected from the groups, categories etc.
- Select users will always be notified when a new appointment was created
- Different test parts for randomized tests
- Selecting recipients for group and course mails
- Taxonomies for Test Questions
- Item preview from question pool plus feedback
- Auto-fill for Course waiting list
- Repository Object Selection Input GUI
- Advanced Event Raising
4 Miscellaneous
4.3 Branch
After having published 4.3.1 (scheduled 10 Jan 2013) we will create the 4.3 branch and open the trunk for the development of 4.4.
New SVN Server:
The ILIAS subversion repository has been migrated to a new server with new domain and SVN repository name: svn.ilias.de.
If you installed ILIAS using SVN, the following step is required to switch to the new repository location:
1. Switch ILIAS 4.2 installationsbash>svn switch --relocate \
http://svn.ilias.uni-koeln.de/svn/ilias3/branches/Release_4_2_x_branch \
2. Switch ILIAS 4.3 installations (currently 'trunk')bash>svn switch --relocate \
http://svn.ilias.uni-koeln.de/svn/ilias3/trunk \
Next Jour Fixe:
- Monday, 21 January 2013, 09h00 at ILIAS open source eLearning office in Cologne
Last edited: 5. Apr 2016, 13:31, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]