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Empty Mail Trash via System Check

1 Requirements

Users do delete their ILIAS mails but they forget to empty the trash.
In Administration > System Check we'd like to have the possibility to purge the deleted mails (older than X days) of the users' mail trash. (Similar to "Purge deleted objects")

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Pascal Schmitt / ilias@phzh.ch

4 Discussion

AK 3 Dez 2012: We should place this feature under Adminstration -> Services/Mail. The system check is already a complex, error-prone piece of code. We should not overload it with component-related clean-up procedures.

MJ 3 Dez 2012: We should implement this as cronjob due to performance/timeout issues. The number of days (called X) should be configurable in the mail administration.

Pascal, 5. Dez. 2012: I would realy like to have this together with the other "system cleaning" functions AND as a cronjob. If we spilt this up and place it on an other screen than the System Check the confusion in the Administration section is getting bigger. We can wait, if it is necessary to reorganize the System Check bevore implementing this feature.

JF 7 Jan 2013: This could be done as a cron job, but what we would really like to have would be a abstraction of "maintenance jobs" in a way that the current system check becomes "extensible" by the ILIAS components.

  • abstract classes for maintenance jobs
  • maintenance jobs can be defined by components
  • all maintenance jobs can be listed on the current system check page, but also on the administration screens of the single components (in a "generic" way)
  • maintenance jobs can be included in the cron job
  • maintenance jobs can provide a "dry run" feature
We should open a new feature wiki page Maintenance Jobs for this.

Jour Fixe, 16 Sep 2013: Feature postponed to 4.5.

Feature not implemented with 5.0, new status: not scheduled yet

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], Feb 26, 2016: This feature request has been substituted by the feature Delete old or orphaned mails (implemented with 5.1). IMHO we can close it.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 26. Feb 2016, 14:59, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]