Feature Wiki

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Change Assignment of Local User

1 Requirements

Currently (v4.3), it is not possible to change the assignment of a user account ...:

  • From the global to a local user administration
  • From a local user administration to the global user administration
  • From a local user administration to another local user administration
... in the GUI of ILIAS but only via XML import (field "TimeLimitOwner" and refID of category or "7" for global, resp.).
This is quite a weakness of this feature.
Therefore, there should be a way to change this assignment, e. g., a menu within the user account offering all available options.
Of course, the permissions of the actor must be considered.
The menu must only offer options granted by the appropriate permissions:
  • From the global to a local user administration:
    Only with the permission(s):
    • User Accounts:
      • Visible: User administration is visible
      • Read: User has read access to User administration
      • Edit Settings: Edit settings in User administration
    • Category (target object):
      • Administrate Local User Accounts: User can create and administrate local user accounts in this category
  • From a local user administration to the global user administration:
    Only with the permission(s):
    • User Accounts:
      • Read Access to Local User Accounts: User has read access to local user accounts (local administrators)
    • Category (source object):
      • Administrate Local User Accounts: User can create and administrate local user accounts in this category
  • From a local user administration to another local user administration:
    Only with the permission(s):
    • Category (both target and source object):
      • Administrate Local User Accounts: User can create and administrate local user accounts in this category

Additional ideas:

  • Moreover, local user administrators moving a user account to the global administration should be warned that they might not be able to revoke this action.

  • In a more elaborated manner, the assignment of a user could be conducted in a separate view:

    • In the user account, ILIAS displays the user administration the user is currently assigned to.
    • Next to, there is a link like "Select Area". When clicking it, a new view appears in which the target object can be searched according to several criteria:
      • Objects with title x
      • Objects of owner x
      • Objects for which a specific user x has got the permission "Administrate Local User Accounts: User can create and administrate local user accounts in this category"
      • Objects to the local administration of which a specific user x is assigned

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: wieg (at) qualitus.de

4 Discussion

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 18 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 18. Aug 2022, 09:15, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]