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Improvements for Shared With

1 Requirements

These are some suggestions to improve the screen "Shared With" and to make it easier for users to see immediatelly what happens there.

  1. Column title: The current title "Title"/"Titel" should be changed to "Freigegeben für / Shared with" [1]. It's the better description for what ILIAS presents here.
  2. I like the icons for the different types and I offer you to complete the list of missing icons: All Registered Users ( = ILIAS icon ), Publish ( = World ), Publish (Password...) ( = World plus Key ). If you agree, tell me the file names and I upload them to SVN. Using only icons in this column would allow us also to reduce its width to a fixed size.
  3. I would like to rename "Publish" / "Veröffentlichen" (which is an activity) to "World Wide Web" because this is the object with whom you share something (the table title is called "Shared With").
  4. If you decide to use the sharing option "Publish plus password" you get a password form where you enter the password and confirm it again. But I think such a form should be offered for those users who want to have access to the resource, not for those who manage the blog. The owner of the resource needs to enter the password and see it in clear characters (like we know it from the course settings). Otherwise he has no chance to check up the password once he cannot remember it anymore.
  5. If a resource is shared with a single user ILIAS presents the photo left of the user name. So this photo determines already the height of a table row. Due to this height we can even use the bigger icons in the Type column which might be better for identifying the type.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Matthias Kunkel

4 Discussion

JF 10 Dec 2012:
(1) Instead of "title"/"name" we would like to name the column "Freigegeben für" and the table "Freigaben".
All other improvements are ok to us. We schedule this for 4.4.
Additionally we should improve the user selection of "other users" that share resources. (autocomplete?)

Matthias Kunkel, 24 Oct 2013: Postponed to 4.5 due to missing time and resources for implementing feature.

Matthias Kunkel, 16 Sep 2014: Feature will be implemented by Leifos GmbH. The presentation of the password in clear characters as required in TOP 4 is not possible because the password is stored encrypted.

5 Implementation

JL 18 Sep 2014: The usability of the "Share"-table has been enhanced (personal workspace and portfolios) . Matthias decided to get rid of all icons, the columns have been optimized and the naming has been adapted to this feature request.

Current implementation in ILIAS 5.0.0 beta2:

[1] In the original request there was suggested "Name" as column title - but the Jour Fixe recommended "Shared with".

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:26, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]