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Unlink Title and Name in profile

1 Requirements

In our ILIAS we have deactivated the "Title" - field in the profile so far. While testing the behavior of the Title I found out that the display of the title is a bit intrusive and sometimes a bit annoying.
What I mean is for example

  • the title is always displayed next to the name in the top left corner
  • in the Active Users block
  • in the Mails a user writes
It seems that entries in the title-field are connected directly with the name. If you deactivate the title-field in the public profile, the title disappears from the public profile but still always present in the different locations. I think what users want is the other way round: That the title is displayed in their profile, but not in all the other locations on the platform.
So what I'd like to suggest is two things:
  • "disconnecting" the title with the name, also in the design
  • adding sonething like a "Display in public profile only"-option for the title field
The Screenshots hopefully show what I mean:

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Frank Weber / frank.weber@fhv.at

4 Discussion

Matthias Kunkel, 12 Oct 2012: It would be helpful to understand your requirement if you add numbers to the arrows on the screenshots and tell us which appearances of the title entry should vanish and which could stay.

JF 10 Dec 2012: Since ILIAS is already a very complex product and name presentation is done in a lot of different contexts, we would like to keep the current behaviour which is that if a user activates the title in the public profile the title is represented in general, if the user name is displayed. We would not like to add another option to control this behaviour.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 10. Dec 2012, 12:07, Killing, Alexander [alex]