Feature Wiki
Guideline for Page Layout of Export Screens
1 Requirements
The Export tab slightly differs throughout the system but it should not. The layout of the page is quite typical for ILIAS (LEarnings Objectives in Course) and should get a guideline.
The layout consists of
- button "Create Export File (XML)" or a drop-down offering the options available. Question: should two export options be two buttons next to each other or should they be two options in a drop-down?
- headline of the following table. Question: Should there be a headline? sometimes there is one, sometimes there is none.
- data tablebuttons on top and on the bottom of the table. Question: should two options be two buttons next to each other or should they be two options in a drop-down?



2 Status
- Scheduled for: Release 5.0 (was 4.4)
- Funding: We currently assume, that no funding is necessary. If this is not the case, please contact Matthias Kunkel.
- Development: Feature is to be developed by all responsible maintainers.
3 Additional Information
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Alex Killing, killing (at) leifos.de
4 Discussion
JF 15 Oct 2012: There already exists a developer guideline. We postpone this discussion to the next Jour Fixe. Please put screenshots diretly into the wiki page.
AT, 2013-04-12:
- The button should be labeled "Create Export File (XML)" if there is only this one format. If there are two export formats, there should be two buttons next to each other (i.e. "'Create Export File (XML)' and 'Create Export File (HTML)'"). If there are more than two options a drop down should be offered.
- Underneath the button but above the table should be a headline reading "Export Files".
- The options for Action in the table should be in a drop-down.
JF 15 Apr 2013: We keep the current guideline, which basically says to use ilExportGUI which more or less implements the behaviour suggested by Alexandra. Except that we would like to keep drop downs already if there are two options. Furthermore we would like to rename the "(XML)" part to "(XML, ILIAS Exchange Format)", since users may not know the purpose of this format. Also it could be possible to have multiple XML-based export formats, e.g. "Create Export File (XML, ILIAS Exchange Format)" and "Create Export File (XML, IMS-QTI)". We schedule these changes for 4.4.
Matthias Kunkel, 04 Nov 2013: Postponed to 4.5 due to missing resources.
5 Implementation
Last edited: 10. Oct 2014, 17:20, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]