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Change default background

1 Requirements

The grey-white background screen is the default background of ILIAS as you can see e.g. on the login

Currently there is no way to change it separately for blogs (or portfolios). We should implement this.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: HJ Lauener

4 Discussion

JF 15 Oct 2012: Hansjörg, what do you suggest? Should we add an additional CSS class (or ID) that makes it possible to define a separate presentation in the CSS? Or should users somehow define the background for each portfolio/blog?

HJL /FS - 15 Oct 2012: We suggest to implement a general CSS-class for external pages (e.g. Blog, Portfolio, Personal profile, ...) such as ".ilExternal". Additionally every single external page should have an second CSS-Class (".ilBlog, .ilPortfolio", ...). The general design implementation of the externernal pages can be done in ".ilExternal".

JF 10 Dec 2012: We schedule the introduction of a new CSS class for 4.4. If funding is settled, we could do this also for 4.3.

5 Implementation

The body tag for the blog and portfolio screens now contains these additional classes. For the profile nothing has changed yet, since the "global public profile" does not use the fixed width presentation of blogs and portfolios. Example:

<body class="std ilExternal ilPortfolio">

These additional classes will also come with 4.3.3.

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:09, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]