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Settings Screen Guideline

This guideline is not completed yet!

1 Requirements

All repository objects have a settings screen where all necessary settings can be edited. But until ILIAS 4.3 they are not following a general scheme but have sometimes slight differences in the position and order of options. This guidelines is made to streamline these screens and to improve the usability of ILIAS for users.

1.1 Recommended Order of Options

The following order of settings on the main settings screen should be offered by all objects with a setting screen:

Edit {object type} Settings

  • Title
  • Description
  • Type (in case of existing didactic templates)

On top of each setting screen should be a block with "Title" and "Description" (even if both can be edited in the Metadata tab too - see Course Settings as reference). If title and description could have translations, the setting screen should show the default title and description.


  • Online: Checkbox [1]
  • Access: Radioboxes for options "Unlimited" and "Temporarily Available" (incl date and time inputs)

This block contains all settings related to the general availablity of an object.

  • The description of Online and Access should mention that the Online setting is related to the object in general while Access is related only to the current reference. This text should only shown when there is a second reference available.

Further Settings

  • Voting period: period in which a user can vote in a poll
  • Test period: period in which a user can run the test (answer questions)
  • ...

1.2 Implementation in 4.3





  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings

Booking Tool

  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • Online checkbox available
  • No "Access" settings


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description on a separate tab
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings


  • Settings screen with blocks
  • First block for Title/Description
  • Second block for availablity settings

Implemented according to guideline

Data Collection

  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title first, followed by upload form for file object and finally Description
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings

Settings screen for files might be an exception from this guideline due to the upload form.


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Form title: Glossary Properties
  • No title/Description
  • Online checkbox available
  • No availablity block and no Access settings


  • Settings screen uses blocks
  • Block with Title/Description first
  • No availablity (Online | Access) settings

Learning Module HTML

  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings

Learning Module ILIAS

  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings

Learning Module SCORM

  • No blocks but one screen
  • No Title/Description
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings

Layout is very different from other setting screens, see screenshot below

Media Pool

  • No blocks but one screen (Form title "General Properties")
  • Title/Description first
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings


  • No blocks but one screen
  • Title/Description first
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings

There is a setting "Default Access" with options "Logged in Users" and "Public"


  • Screen uses blocks
  • Block with Title/Description first - but this block includes also option "Display Results"
  • Second block Availability with Online checkbox and Access settings

Screen would fullfil guidelinewith with a new block "Voting and Results" at third position and included option "Display Results".

Question Pool Survey

  • No blocks but one screen (Form title: "Properties")
  • No Title/Description
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings

Question Pool Test

  • No blocks but one screen (Form title: "Properties")
  • No Title/Description
  • Online checkbox available
  • No Access settings


  • Screen uses blocks
  • First block called "Settings" with
    1. Online checkbox
    2. Title
    3. Description
    4. Choose Question Pool When Creating Questions
  • Second block "Access" with
    1. Authentication Mode
    2. Start Date
    3. End Date


  • Screen uses blocks
  • First block "General Settings" with
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Anonymity
    4. Random Selection of Questions
    5. Choose Question Pool when creating questions (sic!)
  • Second block "Availabilty" with
    1. Online checkbox
    2. Access settings

Availabilty block is implemented according to guideline.


No Settings tab

Title and description can only be changed in Metadata tab


  • No blocks but one screen (Form title: "Wiki Settings")
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Introduction
    4. Start Page
    5. Online checkbox
    6. ...
  • No Access settings

Settings screen of SCORM LM

The SCORM LM setting screen is currently using a different layout compared to all other setting screens.

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 4.4
  • Funding: Required
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by all maintainers

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Matthias Kunkel

4 Discussion

Matthias Kunkel, 27 August 2012: Created and edited this page according to Jour Fixe decision (August 20).

JF 3rd Sep 2012: We highly appreciate this guidelines. For 4.3 we will focus on streamlining the items that have already access period like settings (surveys, tests, polls, courses). For 4.4 we would like to tackle all object types. We also agree that "Published" would be a better term than "Online".

5 Implementation

[1] Alternative titles: "Published" or "Released"

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:09, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]