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List of participants in an anonymous survey

1 Description

In our context the participation in a survey is a mandatory examination task. Although the survey has to be anonymous, it is important to get a list of all participants, which already finished the survey. This participant list view could be added to the survey evaluation tab.
In order that it is not possible to draw conclusions which data set belongs to which participant, the order of the list of participants should be in a different order than the chronological order of the submissions, e.g. alphabetical.
A further improvement will be that the participant list is only visible when a minimal percentage of participants finished the survey.

Here a screenshot how the list of participants states looks in our patched ILIAS installation:

1.1 Updated Version of Proposal

Für anonymisierte Umfragen soll eine Liste der Teilnehmer angeboten werden. Diese Liste beinhaltet den Namen, das Login und den Status (Umfrage nicht begonnen, Umfrage begonnen, Umfrage beendet), sortiert nach Namen. Die Anzeige erfolgt nur, falls die Umfrage ein Enddatum hat und dann nur nach dem Enddatum.
Die Anzeige der Liste kann in der Administration konfiguriert werden

  • Aktivierung der Anzeige
  • Angabe einer Mindestteilnehmerzahl, ab der die Anzeige erfolgt
Die Liste soll über eine Druckfunktion verfügen (Druckerdialog wird geöffnet, Anzeige wird über print-CSS gesteuert). Die Umfrageeinstellungen bekommen ebenfalls eine Option, um die Anzeige zu aktivieren. Voraussetzung ist die globale Aktivierung und die Einstellung als anonymisierte Umfrage.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 9 Jul 2012: We will discuss this with the responsible maintainer, Jörg Lützenkirchen.

JL 9 Jul 2012: This is not going to work as it is possible to have completely anonymized surveys as part of the public area. In this context there is no logged in user at all.

Mirco Hilbert 11 Jul 2012: It is obvious that this feature will not work in context of a public area. But it will be more usable in an area where only logged-in users have access to and the survey is switched to be anonymous anyhow. Under these conditions you will have all required data and you can activate the participant list view.
If the survey is placed in a public area it will not be very useful but you will get a mix of entries from logged-in users and anonymous users analogue to the statistics of a test under the same conditions.

HJL, 12 Sept 2013: In anonymous survey with access codes, you have the possibility to import participiants with e-Mail and mail to them the access codes. Then you have the possibility to mail "To all recipients who did not finish the survey (reminder)".
What some of our clients need:
1. In courses/groups where people are logged in, in surveys with the Authentication mode "No anonymization", they want to send a reminder a) to all recipients, b)  "To all recipients who did not finish the survey" and c) To all recipients who did finish the survey.
2. In courses/groups where people are logged i, in surveys with the Authentication mode "Anonymous survey", they need a list ist of all participants, which already finished the survey. With this list, they can compare with the user-list in the course, both lists can be matched, and then they can send a reminder, but the survey is still anonymous.

Mirco Hilbert 01 Oct 2015: In our scenario the intention is not to have a reminder functionality but to have possibility to control whether a student participated at the survey or not, albeit the user results have to stay anonymous.

In our patched ILIAS installation it is controlled that only a global administrator has access to these lists of participants states. The owner of a survey or a course admin does not see this sub-tab.

Attached a ZIP archive documenting our code changes:

Code changes in Modules/Survey/ and lang/ based on ILIAS 5.0.5

  • We added a function getSurveyParticipantsState() based on getSurveyParticipants() in class.ilObjSurvey.php,
  • we added a function getUserStateFromActiveId() based on getUserDataFromActiveId() in class.ilObjSurvey.php,
  • we added a function participantsstateObject() and added the RBAC-controlled sub-tab in class.ilSurveyParticipantsGUI.php.

We still hope to get our feature into the ILIAS core! The minimum participants threshold is not implemented yet, but it is recommended because of data privacy reasons.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], October 26, 2015: We discussed the original request and the last suggestion by Mirko. We see the need for such a feature. But there are some questions left open:

  • Is it necessary that only a global administrator sees such lists of users that have completed the survey (without showing their answers).
  • How about a third option in "Privacy" (Settings of survey) called "Show participance" which lists all users and if they have participated in the survey - but not showing their results.
  • Would a minimum of ten participants be sufficient as threshold for showing the list of participants? Or should this value be configured in the global administration?

Mirco Hilbert, November 04, 2015:

  • Is it necessary that only a global administrator sees such lists of users that have completed the survey (without showing their answers).
    This is only our local implementation due to the fact, that in our ILIAS installation the study coordinators which should have access to these lists have global administrator rights in ILIAS.
    For the core implementation this should not be necessary. Instead it would be a good solution, if this feature can be disabled in the global administration for privacy reasons.
  • How about a third option in "Privacy" (Settings of survey) called "Show participance" which lists all users and if they have participated in the survey - but not showing their results.
    Good idea. So the author of a survey can decide if this participants list should be visible at all. This option should depend on the option if the survey is setted to be anonymous. Otherwise it makes no sense because the results tab lists the participants anyhow.
  • Would a minimum of ten participants be sufficient as threshold for showing the list of participants? Or should this value be configured in the global administration?
    This should be configurable.
  • Additionally, we discussed if the participants list should be only visible when the survey is finished. Otherwise one can connect the participants list to the results list when (s)he observes the changes in both lists over the time.

, 12 Nov 2015: Would it be possible to remove the gender column from the participants list? We removed it from most of the list GUIs, due to privacy reasons (keeping the "exposed" data minimal, login itself should be unique).

Mirco Hilbert, November 12, 2015: I absolutly agree. Full name, login and status should be sufficient for our purposes.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], June 20, 2016: We highly appreciate this feature request and schedule it for 5.2. We would like to have a global setting to activate this view and a global setting for the threshold to tackle privacy issues.

4 Implementation

, 8 Aug 2016: The feature has been implemented as described above. There are new administration settings, survey settings and of course the list itself.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2016-08-18 by atoet

  • 12955: Einstellung in der Globalen Administration
  • 12953: Bestehende Umfrage vom Zielort aus kopieren
  • 12954: Einstellungen für die Anzeige einer Liste der Teilnehmer in einer anonymen Umfrage
  • 12956: An Umfrage teilnehmen


Approved at 10.6.2016 by C. Schäfer.

Last edited: 18. Aug 2016, 11:11, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]