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E-Mail notification to the participant of a survey

1 Description

In our context the participation in a survey is a mandatory examination task. Thus for the participants of a survey it will be useful to get an automatical e-mail notification as a result when they finished the survey. Although the surveys has to be anonymous, the participants can then print out this e-mail notification to prove their supervisor that they have participated in the survey.
The e-mail notification to the participant of a survey should be an optional setting of a survey in the settings dialogue.

1.1 Updated version of the proposal

Die Umfrageoption „Teilnehmer kann sich E-Mail mit den eigenen Antworten senden“ soll in zwei Optionen aufgeteilt werden:

  • Teilnehmer kann sich Teilnahmebestätigung senden“ (Checkbox)
    • Unteroption „Eigene Antworten mitsenden“ (Checkbox)
Über die neue Unteroption wird kontrolliert, ob die Antworten Teil der Bestätigungs-E-Mail sind. Die Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse soll nur erfolgen, wenn die Umfrage im öffentlichen Bereich ausgefüllt wurde oder wenn zum eingeloggten Benutzer keine E-Mail-Adresse gepflegt ist.

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 9 Jul 2012: We appreciate appreciate the idea. We will discuss the feature with the responsible maintainer, Jörg Lützenkirchen befor scheduling it for a future ILIAS release.

JL 9 Jul 2012: This is not going to work as it is possible to have completely anonymized surveys as part of the public area. In this context there is no logged in user and thus no email address.

Mirco Hilbert 11 Jul 2012: It is obvious that this feature will not work in context of a public area. But it will be more usable in an area where only logged-in users have access to and the survey is switched to be anonymous anyhow. Maybe it's no big deal to implement an if-condition that tries to send an e-mail only to those users who are not anonymous and have an e-mail adress entry, when the option is activated in surveys placed in a public area.

YS 25 MRZ 2014: Please look at following feature, we hope we have include your wishes there well enough: Print and email own answers

Mirco Hilbert 09 Juni 2015: The feature request Print and email own answers almost fulfills the requirements of my feature request with one exception. It should be possible for the author of a survey to exclude the answers from the mail which is sent to the participant.

The requirements specified in my feature request are based on the following workflow:

  1. The student coordination C sets up an obligatory anonymous survey
  2. The participant P takes part at the survey and gets an e-mail notification which certifies that (s)he took part at this survey
  3. The participant P prints out the e-mail notification and hands it over to the supervisior S in her/his practical course
  • The survey is anonymous and only C has access to the results of the survey
  • Taking part at the survey is an admission requirement for taking part at the practical course, where S has to check the printed e-mail notification
  • S has no access to the survey and should not have any access to the answers of P
This feature request is strongly connected to the feature request List of participants in an anonymous survey. Here C can control if a special user took part at the anonymous survey if (s)he lost its e-mail notification for some reasons.

Mirco Hilbert 01 Oct 2015: We now implemented a work-around by patching the new feature Print and email own answers in our ILIAS 5.0.5:

  • We uncommented the insertion of the user results in the e-mail body (in class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php, function sendUserResultsMail()),
  • we changed the mail address input field to a hidden field as in our scenario only the mail address stored in the user data should be used (in class.ilSurveyExecutionGUI.php, function runShowFinishedPage() and in class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php, function infoScreen()),
  • and we changed the lables in the language files.

Here some screenshots:

Survey settings: confirmation of participation setting.
Request for a confirmation of participation after finishing a survey.
Request for a confirmation of participation on the info tab.

Attached a ZIP archive documenting our code changes:

Code changes in Modules/Survey/classes/ and lang/ based on ILIAS 5.0.5

New Proposal

Adding an additional switch in the survey settings related to the feature setting of Print and email own answers with which a user can choose if the e-mail body contains the user results or not.

Survey settings: confirmation of participation setting.

The field for entering an e-mail address when requesting a confirmation for participation should only be visible in anonymous context, since there is no user information available.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], June 20, 2016: We highly appreciate this feature request and schedule it for 5.2.

4 Implementation

, 8 Aug 2016: This feature has been implemented as described above.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2016-08-18 by atoet

  • 12955: Einstellung in der Globalen Administration
  • 12953: Bestehende Umfrage vom Zielort aus kopieren
  • 12954: Einstellungen für die Anzeige einer Liste der Teilnehmer in einer anonymen Umfrage
  • 12956: An Umfrage teilnehmen


Approved at 10.6.2016 by C. Schäfer.

Last edited: 18. Aug 2016, 11:30, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]