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editing own messages in chat

1 Description

It should be possible to edit or delete own chat messages.

2 Status

Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
Funding: Required
Development: Feature is to be developed by

3 Additional Information

If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Carmen Hüning / huening@fh-muenster.de

4 Discussion

MJ 29 June 2012: Our understanding of this feature does not make any sense in the current chat concept. Please elaborate the concept further and add examples and use cases. We see the chat as a "talk" metaphor and to us this sounds like people should be able to "unsay" things. A more verbose explanation may greatly help us understand. For instance in forums the editing of postings is covered by other didactic concepts.

JF 9 Jul 2012: We agree with MJ comments. Does any existing chat system allow this?

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 9. Jul 2012, 11:52, Killing, Alexander [alex]