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Add possibility to hide max. score from essay question

1 Description

In essay questions the max. possible score should not be visible prior to manual scoring by the tutor. This should be controlled by a switch in the settings.

Bei Freitextfragen sollte die max. erreichbare Punktzahl erst nach der manuellen Bewertung durch den Tutor angezeigt werden können. Dies ist über einen Einstellungsschalter festlegbar.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Maximilian Becker / mbecker@databay.de

4 Discussion

MB, 21 Jun 2012: On JF agenda (25 Jun 2012)

JF 25 June 2012: MK/AK will contact Volker Reuschenbach and discuss this issue.

MB 20 Jul 2012: On 29 Jun 2012, the funding party decided to cancel this feature. The opinion of all parties involved is, that there is no obvious reason to specifically hide the maximum score.
The implementation of the feature would also introduce a very specific behaviour of one question type in an otherwise streamlined area, where a user would not expect the question type to influence the system as a whole, which must be considered a usability issue.
This feature is frozen. If you have additional thoughts and input, please don't hesitate to edit this page. We can attempt to refine or overhaul this concept and put it on the JF agenda again once it reaches a state in which the biggest weaknesses of the current concept are eliminated.

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:15, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]