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Number of Rows in Tables

1 Description

Several tables in ILIAS have already a drop down to change the number of "Rows" for the current table (see screenshot). This feature is very helpful and should be offered on more ILIAS screens to improve usability.

The following list is a collection of screens with tables that should adopt this option.

  • Administration » Roles » {role name} » User Assignment ("Columns" are offered, "Rows" not).
  • Courses » Members
  • Group » Members

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Matthias Kunkel

4 Discussion

Kunkel & Killing, 16 May 2012: Highly appreciated as usability fix for 4.3.

Matthias Kunkel, 20 Jul 2012: Do we need a funding for adding this option to the selected tables? Or is this just a quick fix?

JF 23 Jul 2012: Stefan will check this.

Alex 13 Mar 2013: We got funding for 4.4 from the University of Berne for this. I am not sure, how many of these tables have already been tackled.

18 Mar 2013: We still appreciate this feature and re-schedule the missing tables for 4.4.

BH 19 Aug 2013: I added two further tables to the list in section "Implementation", which does not make use of the rows selector.

  • Administration » Repository Trash and Permissions » Repository (Perhaps useful, not yet implemented)
  • Administration » Repository Trash and Permissions » Trash (Perhaps useful, not yet implemented)

BH 22 Aug 2013: I implemented the Rows Selector for the "Test - Participants-list" table as usibility fix.
There is a problem with the rows selector for the "Test (list-view)" questions table. Since this table provides the possibility to re-order the questions I have to change the process of saving the new order when I want to add the rows selector. I do not see any technical blockers for theese changes, but I'm afraid of the resulting usibility.
Imagine 30 questions in the test and a paginating with 10 rows per page. I see the first 10 questions in the table (numberd with 10, 20, ..., 100). I want to move the tests first question before the tests last question. I have to keep in mind, that there are 30 questions overall, so I exactly know, that I have to enter a new ordering index between 291 and 299 for the tests first question.
Currently the maximum rows selectable by the rows selector are 800. I think we have to add a new option with "all" rows, so an intuitiv ordering view becomes possible even for tests with more than 800 questions. I know that such tests are improbable, but I'm a developer ;) Furthermore, the "all rows" option would be useful for other contexts. May be the "all rows" option could replace the "800 rows" option. I my opinion all limits above 250 could be replaced with "all rows".

Matthias Kunkel, 02 Dec 2013: Having a row selector in "My Workspace" would be nice too. Especially in Shared Resources it is nice to have.

HL 4 June 2013:
- Maybe a guideline is helpful.
- Should we have them also in the tables Add Users From Course/Group?

BH 22 Aug 2013: I implemented the Rows Selector for the "Test - Participants-list" table as usibility fix.

HL 22 Aug 2013: Due to possible Usability problems, iLUB/Databay suggest: No implementation in the Test Question Table.

HL., 21.10.2014: This should be a Guideline. Every new table with possible large numbers of entries should use the "Rows"-feature.

JF 27 Oct 2014: Our current preference would to enable the row selector per default (ILIAS 5.0) and to disable it only for tables where it does not make any sense and produces clutter only (e.g. language table and tables that disabled pagination).

5 Implementation


  • Administration » User accounts » listed users (Implemented)
  • Administration » User accounts » Extended user search » Search-results (Implemented )
  • Administration » Repository Trash and Permissions » Repository (Perhaps useful, not yet implemented)
  • Administration » Repository Trash and Permissions » Trash (Perhaps useful, not yet implemented )
  • Course » Members (Implemented)
  • Group » Members (Implemented)
  • Mail » Compose » MyCourses/Mygroups » List members (Implemented)
  • Forum » Overview of all Threads (Implemented) » "Displayed Number of Threads per Page" » change wording to "Rows"?
  • Mediacast » Overview of all Casts (Implemented)
  • Survey-pool (Implemented)
  • Test-pool (Implemented)
  • Survey - Participants, Statistics (Implemented)
  • Test - Participants-list (Implemented)
  • Survey (list-view): (Implemented)
  • Test Question Table (list-view): (iLUB Unibe: Usability could be difficult - Suggestion: No implementation)
  • Glossary » Terms (Implemented)
  • Wiki » Page lists (all pages, ...) (Implemented)
  • Wiki » Contributors (Implemented)
  • Data collection » Content (Implemented)
  • Bibliography » Content (Implemented)

 16 May 2013: The rows selector has been added to the table GUIs listed above. The question list of the test module and the bibliography list could not be adapted.

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:09, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]