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Permission Read Learning Progress

1 Description

At the time being (v. 4.4) a user needs "Edit Settings" permission to access learning progress and reports of learners, e.g. in a SCORM learning module. This means in practice that a tutor who only should have access to the learning progress of users in SCORM module could also modify the settings of this course. But the tasks and duties of tutors and content authors are usually clearly distinguished. Therefore, a separate permission to get read access to learning progress and reports would take such a difference into account.


  • Edit settings gives no longer the permission to access other users learning progress, reports or object internal statistics (like known in Survey or Test).
  • The new permissionRead Learning Progress gives read access to learning progress, reports and statistics - but does not allow to edit their settings.
  • "Edit learning progress allows to edit learning progress and settings.

Migration of current permission settings:

  • All roles and role templates that currently have Edit settings enabled get Edit settings and Read Learning Progress after the update.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Sébastien Fraysse
  • Funding: Marine Française / DIRISI Toulon
  • Maintainer: Jörg Lützenkirchen
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Leifos GmbH
  • Tested by / status: Matthias Kunkel and DIRISI Toulon

3 Discussion

Matthias Kunkel, 01 APR 2012: What is the reason for this request? I do not understand why this permission is needed? As far as I see it would have only an impact on learners (to refuse access to their LP in a specific object). Why is a permission for this better than a setting in the object (like "Hide Member Tab")?

JF 2 Apr 2012: We appreciate to make the learning progress more flexible in this way. We schedule this for 4.3, but we need to continue to discuss the concept details, together with the request to make the Learning Progress for Tutors Only visible.

Matthias Kunkel, 31 Jan 2014: We discussed the need of this permission at the SCORM workshop yesterday and suggest it for implementing it in 4.5.

JL 10 Apr 2014: I support this request. A small issue remains in the naming of the new permission: "Read Learning Progress" does mean "Read Learning Progress OF OTHER USERS" here. The installation-wide setting introduced for Learning Progress for Tutors Only (titled "Accessible Personal Learning Progress") decides if any user has access to his/her own LP - so this is a completely separate permission.

JF 14 Apr 2014: We support the request and schedule it for 4.5. It should be implemented for all object types that support learning progress.

Matthias Kunkel, March 20, 2015: The new permission read_learning_progress (of other users) should also be required to see tracking data in SCORM learning modules. Currently, the presentation of tab and available tracking data requires edit_settings. I have added a bug report where I suggest to change the permission check for this tab in SCORM modules, see Mantis 15656.

4 Implementation

JL 18 Aug 2014: This feature has been implemented for 4.5/trunk. ‘edit_learning_progress’ now gives access to the LP settings and ‘read_learning_progress’ to the other LP views (in repository objects). These are completely separate permissions.
A DB update step will add the read_learning_progress-permissions for all users/roles who already have edit_learning_progress.
(Addendum by Matthias Kunkel): If none of these both permissions is given, ILIAS presents the tab ‘Learning Progress’ and the personal learning progress of this user. The permission Edit Settings is no longer giving access to LP settings or the LP status of other users.

JL 26 Aug 2014: edit_learning_progress is also needed to edit any user data in the LP statistics (comment, mark, completed). As of 4.5 all the access checks are done PER OBJECT, the user needs read_/write_learning_progress for each single repository object - up to now it was sufficient to have those permissions for the parent container.


Test cases have been created and run succesfully in Testrail:

  • C181 : Lernfortschritt aufrufen MIT Recht "Lernfortschritt anderer Benutzer einsehen"
  • C182 : Lernfortschritt aufrufen OHNE Recht "Lernfortschritt anderer Benutzer einsehen" und OHNE "Lernfortschrittseinstellungen bearbeiten"
  • C183 : Lernfortschritt aufrufen MIT Recht "Lernfortschrittseinstellungen bearbeiten"
Testing completed!

Last edited: 8. Apr 2015, 17:23, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]