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Possibility to reduce stored data for privacy issues

1 Description

In the database-table ut_lp_marks several information of the learning progress of users is stored. These informations should be increased to allow removing data in the SCORM-data-tables for inactive users. The inreasing of the informations should:

  • allow to retrace given certificates
  • increase the speed for reports of Tracking Data
  • reduce stored data for users.
Storing unnecessary data is contrary to data protection / privacy issues.

2 Status

  • Idea / concept: Uwe Kohnle
  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: Uwe Kohnle
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Uwe Kohnle
  • Test cases by: …

3 Additional Information

This functionality is also very useful for a SCORM-Offline-Player.

4 Discussion

JF 2 May 2012: Uwe, which data fields should be added to ut_lp_marks exactly? We do not want to add component related data in this table.
Uwe: Because of SCORM-Offline-Player there is an additional table.
Uwe: In a special branch, a feature called 'Datenbereinigung' was developed, which corresponds to SCORM auto-review-mode und deletes data automatically when a certain status was achieved.

Uwe Kohnle: 26 May 2014: I support this request and recommend its implementation for 4.5.

JF 23 June 2014: Again, which data fields should be added to ut_lp_marks exactly? We do not understand the detailed technical implications and cannot schedule this for 4.5.

Uwe Kohnle: 15 March 2015: No changes in ut_lp_marks are necessary since 4.4. Table sahs_user would be sufficient.

JF 16 Mar 2015: We support the general request. Please add some information about the way these actions will be included in the user interface and reschedule this item. We then may finally approve it for 5.1.

5 Implementation

Last edited: 3. Jun 2015, 19:14, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]