Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


PD views: In progress courses, Completed courses

1 Description

The Personald Desktop should be extended with the following two optional views.
"In-Progress Courses"
All courses a user is member of with the following learning progress

  • not attempted
  • in progress
  • failed
  • no learning progress
"Completed Courses"
All courses a user is member of with the following learning progress
  • completed
The learning progress icons should be visible beside the course titles.
Leifos has already developed views like this for studer + raimann ag. These views should now integrated in the ILIAS core.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Martin Studer, sr.solutions

4 Discussion

JF 16 Apr 2012: We see the need to improve the memberships view. However we do not like the additional separation on different views. E.g. learners may fail to realise that courses went "automatically" to the completed course view, without notification. The "completed course view" could include "old" courses that the learner is not interested in anymore and "just completed" courses that are silently moved here.
We support the presentation of the learning progress status on the course/group and on the selected items view.
We would also like the possibility to sort depending on the learning progress status. However this would need a revision of the block presentation first, since the current presentation of the options (sorting/details) is already cluttered (please note that we do not deal with data tables here and cannot sort by column headers).
For the "completed v.s. in progress" courses presentation we would prefer a solution where we start with one view (the current courses/groups view) and the possibility to hide single items from the list. Users could hide completed courses from the list (after being aware that the course has been completed) themselves. It would also be a valuable feature for tutors that could clean up this list.
Since we prefer to improve the existing memberships page and not to add new views, we opened a new feature wiki page:
Revise My Courses and Groups Page.

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 15. Dec 2021, 09:08, Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]