Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Improved Handling of Calendar

Page Overview


1 Description

The main goal of the different features listed on this page is to improve the overall usability of the calendar.

Additional requests:
  • If an appointment beginns 11:30, the startpoint on the calendar should be visible as 11:30. At the moment, the view shows the termin at 11 o'clock.
    • AK 24 Feb 2014: Is this still valid? This works for me as expected in day/week view
  • New view: "Terminübersicht" with a list of the next appointments in the calendars.
    • AK 24 Feb 2014: Does the latest "Upcoming Events" (ILIAS 4.4) view fullfill this need?
  • Special Print-CSS without the ILIAS menus,... Only the calendar should be visible by printing
    • AK 24 Feb 2014: This topic should be discussed in general on the Print CSS page.

2 Discussion

JF 6 Apr 2009: We highly appreciate these features.

YS: Print view would be very nice! Something like the "Print"-Button in tests.

JF 2 Apr 2012: We appreciate this improvement and schedule it for 4.3.

HL., 30 March 2013: We try to get funding for 4.4, for the feature "handling like google-calendars": Add calendar-entries in day or week-view, edit end-time, slide the calendar-entry.

Jour Fixe, 24 Jun 2013: We would like to have a dedicated page for the feature "Drag and Drop of Calendar Events" which tackles the feature request "handling like google calendars". We see that this is a good usability improvement of the calendar. But we need to evaluate first how this behaviour could be realised. Due to the restricted time and manpower we would like to postpone this feature for 4.5.

Alex Killing, 10 Apr 2014: We have created four separate feature requests (see list above) which should be decided on one by one.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 05 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

Last edited: 5. Aug 2022, 08:28, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]