Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



The Jour Fixe took place at Wednesday, 22 February 2012, 09h00 to 14h20, at ILIAS society office in Cologne. Participants were:

  • Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer, Florian Suittenpointner

1 Appointments

2012-02-23 to 24: Performance workshop, Universität zu Köln
2012-03-13 to 15: eLearning expo, Paris (Kunkel)
2012-03-15: SIG e-Assessment, Erlangen
2012-03-15: SIG Mathe+ILIAS, Erlangen
2012-03-15: ILIAS General Assembly, Erlangen
2012-03-16: ILIAS Development Conference, Erlangen
2012-03-31: Feature Freeze for 4.3
2012-04-18 to 19: ILIAS France, Toulon
2012-04-26: ILIAS Dutch
2012-05-09: ILIAS Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

2 Bugfixing for maintained versions 4.1 and 4.2

Last releases:

  • ILIAS 4.2.2 published at 31 December 2011
  • ILIAS 4.1.8 published at 25 October 2011
  • ILIAS 4.0.12 published at 03 February 2012 (maintenance ended)
Next releases:
  • 4.2.3 is scheduled for 29 February 2012
  • 4.1.9 is scheduled for 09 March 2012
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers.

  • Bug 8582 : Owner of published files: For copyright information the corresponding meta data fields can be used. This information is also published on the info screen. We would like to add a field "Uploaded by" to the info screen of files. The name should be displayed by the ilUserUtil function that respects whether first/lastname can be published or the account name is the only information that is displayed.
  • Bug 8223 : Line Breaks Get Lost When Posting From Mobile: We kindly ask the maintainer if he is able to fix the problem of lost line breaks. If not, we would need to find some other person that could help us.
  • Comments and notifications: We agree with the solution mentioned in the bug report.

3 Current status of ILIAS 4.3

We have gone through the wiki page Release 4.3 that lists all features that have already been scheduled for version 4.3. We updated the status of the funded and partly funded features.

4 More feature requests for 4.3

4.1 Funded Features

  1. Introducing Data Collection: We highly appreciate the concept. We understand the need to use the ILIAS page editor for the "Single View". In this case we also would like to use text placeholders (like in Moodle).
    • Should the page editor used for other views as well? How should it look/work?
    • A "unique" attribute may be interesting.
    • For text fields an option to define a regular expression could be useful.
    • Options for fields whether they should appear in the list view or not.
  2. Reset Tracking Data of Course Objects via SOAP: The concept is not generic. Addressing courses and selecting scorm modules / tests within the courses would e.g. not allow to address single tests. The current SOAP interface maintainer should be contacted to discuss working out a generic solution that could be included in the trunk.
  3. Show Membership Allocation: We still confirm the concept.
  4. Sorting in Media Cast: We still support the idea and are happy that it gets funded for 4.3.
  5. Sorting in Wikis: We highly appreciate the idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  6. Taxonomy in Glossary: We appreciate this concept and schedule it for 4.3. Currently funding is only settled for glossaries, wikis would need additional funding.
  7. Avoiding Double Form Submission: We postpone the conceptual discussion to the next Jour Fixe and hope that someone from Databay will find the time to participate.
  8. Introducing Online Help: We had a look at a first prototype of the 2nd level help. The current version works with help screen IDs that are assigned within a learning module. Alex will check a more automatic way. The idea is that screen IDs are defined by the tab/subtab/obj_type combination and can be additionally set by code. These IDs should be displayed in an online help installation and be assigned to help pages by the online help authors (multiple screen IDs per help chapter).
  9. Registration Mails with Attachment: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  10. Session Materials in Navigation Tree: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  11. Show full description in object lists: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  12. Print View and Edit Links in Glossaries: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  13. Permanent Link redirects to JOIN screen: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.

4.2 Features That Require Funding

  1. Protect Administration Role: We highly appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  2. Highlight Link Areas: We highly appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  3. User Administration Learning Progress Status Filter: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3. The limitation should also be the default behaviour.
  4. Revision of Input Handling: We appreciate the idea to improve the input handling. Currently the only idea we have is using the HTML Purifier, since we need a secure solution. It could be optional whether an installation uses the striptags or the purifier handling. We schedule it for 4.3.
  5. Sharing personal calendars: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3.
  6. Separate titles for container references: We still appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3. The current maintainer Stefan Meyer should be contacted to settle a possible funding for the integration of this feature.
  7. Group and Course Mail Prefix: We appreciate this idea and schedule it for 4.3. We agree that it should be a setting in courses/groups.
  8. Warning in Default Settings of Media objects: We agree that this behaviour should be improved. But we need to discuss this on an upcoming agenda again.
The following feature request have been postponed to the next Jour Fixe due to missing time.
  1. Improving File List Presentation
  2. CME-Points
  3. Matrixansicht mit Name und Vorname der Nutzer
  4. Hard Quota for Personal Workspace
  5. Edit LP not granted to object owners
  6. Delete User Accounts Automatically According to Activity Status
  7. Close Learning Module
  8. Remove System Messages from Personal Desktop
  9. Deactivate Mail to Members in Course Settings
  10. Disable Questions in Question Pools

5 Miscellaneous

Next Jour Fixe takes place at Monday, March 05, 2012 at the ILIAS office in Cologne.

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:02, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]