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Showing Calendar in Portfolio

1 Description

In some kinds of portfolios learners want to plan their personal development and learning-process. Therefore they would like to show some dates and milestones in their portfolio. In mahara, this kind of planing is realized as the feature "Plans". Using the ILIAS-Calendar for which has much more options than the "Plans"-feature would help to manage and display learning-progress.
Perhaps it might be possible to:

  • Select personal or group calenders which should be displayed in the portfolio
  • Select entrys of calendars to be displayed in the portfolio
The Dates in the Portfolio-View should always show if the task / date have been fullfilled.
It should also be possible to integrate a calender that displays my consultation hours for the students. So the booking of an consultation hour would be much easier for students. This could also help to connect mentoring/guidance in the studies and portfolio-work, e.g. in some projects mentors are asked to support students by having a regular look in their portfolio and talk about their success and further steps in the consultation hours.

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Timo van Treeck / treeck@online.de or Klaus Vorkauf / klaus.vorkauf@fh-dortmund.de

4 Discussion

JF 18 Feb 2013: We need to clarify the requirements related to the presentation of these different calendars in the portfolio (event list, month overview, ...). @Timo, Klaus: Could you try to provide some mock-up screens and mahara screenshots? How much functionality needs to be available? We need to take into consideration that portfolios always need a sound export to (static) HTML in the exercise scenario as well.

5 Follow-Up

Last edited: 17. Dec 2014, 20:45, Undisclosed