Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



Monday, 06 February 2012, 09h00 to 14h50
at ILIAS open source office
  • Björn Heyser, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer

1 Appointments

2012-02-23 to 24: Performance workshop, Universität zu Köln
2012-03-15: SIG e-Assessment, Erlangen
2012-03-15: SIG Mathe+ILIAS
2012-03-15: ILIAS General Assembly, Erlangen
2012-03-31: Feature Freeze for 4.3
2012-04-18 to 19: ILIAS France, Toulon
2012-04-26: ILIAS Dutch

2 Bugfixing for Maintained Versions 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2

Last releases:
  • ILIAS 4.2.2 published at 31 December 2011
  • ILIAS 4.1.8 published at 25 October 2011
  • ILIAS 4.0.12 published at 03 February 2012
More then two years after the first stable 4.0.0. the maintenance for version 4.0 has come to an end with release 4.0.12 !
Next releases:
  • 4.2.3 is scheduled for end of February 2012.
  • 4.1.9 is scheduled for 10 February 2012
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers.
  1. Bug 8483: Survey Matrix Question Export: We agree that scale values should be used for the export file like it is already done in other question types too. It makes no sense to use 0 (untoggled) and 1 (toggled) instead.
  2. Bug 7658: Anonymous Postings: While fixing this bug we noticed that Anonymous user can edit all anonymous posts (see Bug 8556. As a simple solution the "Edit" feature should be disabled for the anonymous user. If anyone complains, we may try to get funding for a "session" based access.
  3. Bug 8498: Object tabs without visible or read permission: We are planning to automatically check for the read permission: Automatic Read Permission Check
  4. Editable Login Screen: Stefan will have a detailed look on the suggestions and split them into usability issues that can be fixed with 4.2 and feature requests.
  5. No Possiblility to Avoid Publishing Content in WWW: The administration setting "Enable Public Profiles" will be renamed to "Enable User Content Publishing", with the info text "Users can publish their profiles, workspace objects and portfolios in the web".
  6. Bug 8528: Substituting all $HTTP_GET/POST_VARS: Jörg Lützenkirchen has fixed this problem in /Modules/ScormAicc. We will see if it is also a problem in the Syntax Highlighting feature.
  7. Reduced TinyMCE image manager vs. TinyMCE ibrowser plugin (written by Helmut) in ILIAS 4.2.x and Trunk forums (last comment of One image manager for all Tinys): We agree to re-instantiate the old version and to wait for funding for the implementation of the envisaged reduced version of the image manager.
  8. Bug 8520: edit_learning_progress: The list must display a "Show Participants" link for each path, if the permission is given. The following page should filter the users listed by the list of members in a course (if a course is given).
  9. Bug 8481: ilUserAutoComplete does not follow privacy/profile settings of the searched users: We agree to some extent, however on the other hand, in lots of institutions tutors need to be able to add members to course on the base of first/last name. We will continue the discussion, Matthias will take over the lead.

3 Current Status of ILIAS 4.3

Postponed to next Jour Fixe

4 Feature wiki topics for 4.3

4.1 Abandoned Features

  1. Remove Digilib Book Support: We highly appreciate to get rid of this feature.
  2. Remove iLinc Interface Support: We highly appreciate to move this feature out of the core and implement as a plugin.
  3. RBAC Cache: We try to get some information about the real-life performance gains of this feature from productive installations.

4.2 Funded Features

  1. Ability for users to delete their own user account: We highly appreciate the idea.
  2. PostgreSQL Support: We highly appreciate the idea.
  3. Export survey statistics in a preprocessed form: We are unsure how this feature should be implemented exactly, please get in contact with the responsible developer Jörg Lützenkirchen.
  4. Item Group - Free Sorting Edit Mode in Container Objects: We still appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.3. Our current preference after another long discussion:
    • Container (at least courses in a first step) get a new feature option "Use Flexible Item Blocks" (still looking for a good name)
    • (We also discussed whether the text/media editor should be a feature that needs to be activated)
    • If activated these blocks can be added to a container without the need to use the text/media editor (a separate "Add ..." link would be needed besides the current "Add New Item" link)
    • The item blocks contain
      • Title
      • Description
      • ID?
      • List of items
    • Within the text/media editor these blocks can be added like type-grouped-blocks
    • The "Add Item" function needs to be provided in for all item blocks
    • The visualization of the flexible and the grouped-by-type blocks should be improved within the media/text editor
  5. Reporting Session Statistics: We highly appreciate the idea. We reschedule it for 4.3.
  6. Performance improvements of the forum tree: We highly appreciate the idea.
  7. Display of Free Places in Groups: We highly appreciate the idea. The feature is possibly already funded by the University of Stuttgart. The new implementation will also inlcude necessary performance improvements.
  8. Indication of an Administrative User for Proxy Connection: We highly appreciate the idea. Florian, please get in contact with Stefan Meyer.
  9. Captcha: We highly appreciate the idea.
  10. Learning Progress Statistics for Courses: We highly appreciate the idea.
  11. Number of Distinct User Accessed an Object: We highly appreciate the idea.
  12. Object Statistics on Demand: We highly appreciate the idea.
  13. Number of Objects per Time: We highly appreciate the idea.
  14. Show Object-ID in Object Statistics Tables: We highly appreciate the idea.

4.3 Features That Require Funding

5 Miscellaneous

Next Jour Fixe takes place at Wednesday, 22 February 2012 at ILIAS open source office in Cologne.

Last edited: 20. Mar 2014, 12:35, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]