Feature Wiki
Information about planned and released features
Page Overview
[Hide]Monday, 06 February 2012, 09h00 to 14h50
at ILIAS open source office
at ILIAS open source office
- Björn Heyser, Alexander Killing, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Jörg Lützenkirchen, Stefan Meyer
1 Appointments
2012-02-23 to 24: Performance workshop, Universität zu Köln
2012-03-15: SIG e-Assessment, Erlangen
2012-03-15: SIG Mathe+ILIAS
2012-03-15: ILIAS General Assembly, Erlangen
2012-03-31: Feature Freeze for 4.3
2012-04-18 to 19: ILIAS France, Toulon
2012-04-26: ILIAS Dutch
2 Bugfixing for Maintained Versions 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2
Last releases:
Next releases:
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers.
- ILIAS 4.2.2 published at 31 December 2011
- ILIAS 4.1.8 published at 25 October 2011
- ILIAS 4.0.12 published at 03 February 2012
Next releases:
- 4.2.3 is scheduled for end of February 2012.
- 4.1.9 is scheduled for 10 February 2012
We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers.
- Bug 8483: Survey Matrix Question Export: We agree that scale values should be used for the export file like it is already done in other question types too. It makes no sense to use 0 (untoggled) and 1 (toggled) instead.
- Bug 7658: Anonymous Postings: While fixing this bug we noticed that Anonymous user can edit all anonymous posts (see Bug 8556. As a simple solution the "Edit" feature should be disabled for the anonymous user. If anyone complains, we may try to get funding for a "session" based access.
- Bug 8498: Object tabs without visible or read permission: We are planning to automatically check for the read permission: Automatic Read Permission Check
- Editable Login Screen: Stefan will have a detailed look on the suggestions and split them into usability issues that can be fixed with 4.2 and feature requests.
- No Possiblility to Avoid Publishing Content in WWW: The administration setting "Enable Public Profiles" will be renamed to "Enable User Content Publishing", with the info text "Users can publish their profiles, workspace objects and portfolios in the web".
- Bug 8528: Substituting all $HTTP_GET/POST_VARS: Jörg Lützenkirchen has fixed this problem in /Modules/ScormAicc. We will see if it is also a problem in the Syntax Highlighting feature.
- Reduced TinyMCE image manager vs. TinyMCE ibrowser plugin (written by Helmut) in ILIAS 4.2.x and Trunk forums (last comment of One image manager for all Tinys): We agree to re-instantiate the old version and to wait for funding for the implementation of the envisaged reduced version of the image manager.
- Bug 8520: edit_learning_progress: The list must display a "Show Participants" link for each path, if the permission is given. The following page should filter the users listed by the list of members in a course (if a course is given).
- Bug 8481: ilUserAutoComplete does not follow privacy/profile settings of the searched users: We agree to some extent, however on the other hand, in lots of institutions tutors need to be able to add members to course on the base of first/last name. We will continue the discussion, Matthias will take over the lead.
3 Current Status of ILIAS 4.3
Postponed to next Jour Fixe
4 Feature wiki topics for 4.3
4.1 Abandoned Features
- Remove Digilib Book Support: We highly appreciate to get rid of this feature.
- Remove iLinc Interface Support: We highly appreciate to move this feature out of the core and implement as a plugin.
- RBAC Cache: We try to get some information about the real-life performance gains of this feature from productive installations.
4.2 Funded Features
- Ability for users to delete their own user account: We highly appreciate the idea.
- PostgreSQL Support: We highly appreciate the idea.
- Export survey statistics in a preprocessed form: We are unsure how this feature should be implemented exactly, please get in contact with the responsible developer Jörg Lützenkirchen.
- Item Group - Free Sorting Edit Mode in Container Objects: We still appreciate the feature and schedule it for 4.3. Our current preference after another long discussion:
- Container (at least courses in a first step) get a new feature option "Use Flexible Item Blocks" (still looking for a good name)
- (We also discussed whether the text/media editor should be a feature that needs to be activated)
- If activated these blocks can be added to a container without the need to use the text/media editor (a separate "Add ..." link would be needed besides the current "Add New Item" link)
- The item blocks contain
- Title
- Description
- ID?
- List of items
- Within the text/media editor these blocks can be added like type-grouped-blocks
- The "Add Item" function needs to be provided in for all item blocks
- The visualization of the flexible and the grouped-by-type blocks should be improved within the media/text editor
- Reporting Session Statistics: We highly appreciate the idea. We reschedule it for 4.3.
- Performance improvements of the forum tree: We highly appreciate the idea.
- Display of Free Places in Groups: We highly appreciate the idea. The feature is possibly already funded by the University of Stuttgart. The new implementation will also inlcude necessary performance improvements.
- Indication of an Administrative User for Proxy Connection: We highly appreciate the idea. Florian, please get in contact with Stefan Meyer.
- Captcha: We highly appreciate the idea.
- Learning Progress Statistics for Courses: We highly appreciate the idea.
- Number of Distinct User Accessed an Object: We highly appreciate the idea.
- Object Statistics on Demand: We highly appreciate the idea.
- Number of Objects per Time: We highly appreciate the idea.
- Show Object-ID in Object Statistics Tables: We highly appreciate the idea.
4.3 Features That Require Funding
- Automatic Read Permission Check: We highly appreciate this improvement.
5 Miscellaneous
Next Jour Fixe takes place at Wednesday, 22 February 2012 at ILIAS open source office in Cologne.
Last edited: 20. Mar 2014, 12:35, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]