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Sorting in forums

1 Requirements

(P. Leitinger says: "In Foren sollte es mitunter auch möglich sein, die Themen numerisch und alphabetisch sortieren zu lassen.")

It should (as an option in the forum settings) be possible to sort forum threads alphabetically.
We should implement the common ILIAS sorting-mechanism in forums:

  • topic
  • created by
  • articles
  • visits
  • latest articles
in the thread, order by date
  • latest articles

2 Additional Information

If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Leitinger, Patrick [PatrickLeitinger] / leitinger@cognos-ag.de

3 Discussion

We’d be very much interessted in this, too. I’m goingn to contact the maintainer to get a quote for an implementation in 5.2. (Christian Bogen, Universität Stuttgart, 26.10.2015)

Jansen, Michael [mjansen] 27 Oct 2015. I support this request. Christian Bogen got an offer which covers the sorting of the thread table.

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz] 05.110.2015: What about a more structured approach to sorting topics and posts. We have foum power users who would like to have something like taxonomies for topics and posts that can be assigned while a post/topic is created. With this it would be much easier to pre-structure a highly frequented forum.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Nov 23, 2015: We appreciate to allow sorting in columns of the thread table but refuse an additional option for numeric sorting of thread titles. Column sorting is appreciated for 5.2. @ Marko: please create a new feature request for support of taxonimies in forums.

4 Implementation

4.1 Thread Table

With ILIAS 5.2.x it is possible to (additionally) sort the thread table by the following columns: Thread, Article and Visits. Sticky threads remain on the top section of the table. The sorting logic is applied for each group, sticky threads and usual threads.

4.2 Settings

We abandoned the Thread Sorting option Order by Date. The option Manual sorting of sticky threads is now an independent option (checkbox).

4.3 Test Cases

Test cases completed 07 Jan 2016 by Matuschek, Nadia [nadia] :

  • C7438: Sortierung von Forenthemen

4.4 Approval

The implementation shall hereby be known as approved. ;-) —CB, 2016-02-16

Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:15, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]