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Improved Wiki Search Results

1 Description

We need a better Wiki-Search.

If I search for "ELBA2", then the first results are:
Main Page
forum post editor
kiosk mode for all ILIAS objects
Different forum developments
Info-Page Revision
Anonymisation Setting
One image manager for all Tinys
Default tiny options
ELBA2 open discussions
Tiny for Smartphones and Tablets
Wiki-Editor / Submit-Buttons
Edit-link (action) links to settings or content?
ELBA2 branch status

Thats chaotic, isnt it?
We suggest the following search-improvements:
a) All wiki-pages in the search results have a relevance, similar to the main-search.

  • If the term (eg. "ELBA2") is in the main page, then the relevance is top, and the wiki-page will be shown top of the results
  • If the term is part of the title, then the relevance is also high
  • If the term is part of headlines, then the relevance is quite high
  • If the term is part of the text, then the relevance is middle
b) Add different columns, similar to the main-search: Pagename; Last modification (time); Relevance; Rating (when the page-rating feature is developed and used -> see Extended Rating in Wiki)
c) Optional: Add the possibility to sort, and to change the sort direction
What do you think? Other suggestions?

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JF 24 Oct 2011: We support the idea to improve the wiki search for ILIAS 4.3. We should work out a general concept on the Context Sensitive Search page first and then try to implement wiki releated improvements.

Matthias Kunkel, 18 Jul 2012: Do we still need a wiki search when we have our context sensitive search on object level? From my point of view it would be better to offer only one search form in all object types. In this case we could close this feature request - or better define it as realised for 4.3 within the package "Context Sensitive Search".

JF 23 July 2012: We will replace the current wiki search with the new context sensitive one in the header.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], June 08, 2015: An improved search within a wiki will be implemented with 5.1 together with Search Field in Forums.

4 Implementation

Wiki now uses Lucene wiki (when activated) and delivers search results related to search string and according to priority.

Step 1 : User enters search string in wiki search form
Step 2 : Search presents wiki page that fits to search string incl. priority information and text snippet in which string appears

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2015-08-27 by Alexandra Tödt

  • http://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/6569 : C6569 Im Wiki suchen


Approved at August 27, 2015 by Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:26, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]