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New Question-Type: Numerical question slider

1 Description

Some people would like to have a new question type "Slider" (see picture).

This question-type should give the possibility to slide a marker:

  • Question-authors must have the possibility to give the range, eg. from 0to10, or from -3to+3.
  • Then authors should have the possibility to say what steps should be possible, eg. 0.5 or 2.5
  • Authors should have the possibility to decide: Where is the marker when users see this question (at the beginning, at the end, at position: x)
  • Additional - depends on development costs: Authors should have the possibility to say: analog slide

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: HJL

4 Discussion

BH & MB, 14 Nov 2012:
We looked through this proposal and do not feel this question type should be part of the trunk. This question type appears to be a specialized form of the single choice question: The scoring, as far as we understand it, would depend on defined ranges. In a single-choice question, these ranges would be visible and offer a limited "guidance" for the participant while the sliding question does not, still we see strong similarities.
We would of course be interested in providing this question type as a plugin.

AT, Nov 22: This is not test question.
As anyone can see from the example it is a question to assess attitudes (known as Likert scale).
Assessing attitudes, preferences, values, perceptions and so forth is done in surveys.
Assessing performance, knowledge, skills and so forth is done in test questions.
I doubt that anybody can come up with a didactic justification that holds water that needs a slider to answer it and assesses performance.
Unless this has been demonstrated to me I STRONGLY object this as a test question.

BH, 23 Nov 2012:
Sorry ;) We found the link on the JF agenda. We did not check if a corresponding link was added to the test or survey page.
Feel free to ignore our comment ;)

JF 7 Jan 2013: If this quesition type should be implemented for surveys, we would need at least one concrete use case (question) where this type would be really needed. The above case (niedriges Ansehen/höchstes Ansehen) should be done with a single choice (or matrix) question and a 5/7 step likert scale.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 7. Jan 2013, 14:22, Killing, Alexander [alex]