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Survey evaluation information from a SCORM 2004 survey

Page Overview


1 Description

The results of a survey/quiz, which was created within ILIAS, are completely evaluated and can be displayed afterwards in very detailed graphs. But unfortunately the results of a previously imported SCORM 2004 survey/quiz cannot be evaluated and displayed like the ILIAS ones. Most of the delivered SCORM 2004 result items within a survey/quiz are not analyzed by ILIAS, except the simple Learning Progress information.
Of course, to create new surveys/quizzes with the sophisticated tools of ILIAS can be used instead, but the creation of a survey/quiz within a third party authoring application like Articulate Quizmaker '09 is much faster than in ILIAS and the graphical quality of the survey/quiz is better and easier to design, compared to the ILIAS design tools.
The third party authoring application Articulate Quizmaker '09 currently delivers the following SCORM 2004 survey/quiz items to a LMS, like the ILIAS: www.articulate.com/support/quizmaker09/kb/?p=137
I would like to request an extension feature for ILIAS, thus all delivered SCORM 2004 items from the Articulate Quizmaker '09 authoring application are imported and analyzed as the ILIAS internal survey/quiz items.
Thanks in advance,

2 Status

3 Discussion

JF 10 Oct 2011: Unfortunately to our knowledge SCORM does not include any survey functionality related standardization. So SCORM is not suitable for this and it is not possible to support this in a non-proprietary way.

JF 11 June 2012: Please contact our SCORM maintainer Uwe Kohnle kohnle(at)internetlehrer.de. He will be able to judge the feasibility of the feature.

Last edited: 19. Mar 2015, 14:12, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]