Feature Wiki

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Action menu Guideline

1 Guideline

A proposal of a Guideline for the Actions menu:
Guideline Actions menu

  • The first two links in the Actions menu are reserved, see Feature Action Menu: Content and Settings Links. These is to be developed by all component maintainers.
  • The following 1-2 links con be used from developers for tabs users often use (e.g. statistics in tests)
  • The next links are called: "Edit timings" and "Info"
  • The next links are "Delete", "Link", "Move", "Copy", "Add to desktop"
  • The last links are the comment/tag links
  • The Actions menu of the "Personal Desktop" must have the same links.
Example: Test
  • Edit Questions
  • Settings
  • Statistics
  • Edit Timings
  • Info
  • Delete
  • Link
  • Move
  • Copy
  • Add to desktop / Remove from desktop
  • Comments
  • Notes
  • Set tags

2 Status

  • Effective from release: 4.3
  • Approved by Jour Fixe at: JourFixe-2011-08-01
  • Implementation status: { implemented completely | partly implemented | needs implementation }
  • Funding for streamlining existing features: { name of organisation }
  • Implementation of guideline: { all developers | name of responsible developer }

3 Components that are not compliant with the Guideline

4 Discussion

Jour Fixe, 01 August 2011: We highly appreciate this guideline and think that it is very useful. A revision could be made for 4.3 but requires a similar process as for the tab guideline:

  • Listing all current action menu entries of existing objects in a table
  • Proposal for revised action menues

5 Implementation

5.1 Action Menus in 4.4 (Admin view)

Action menues

Click on Category » Navigate inside the category
Open as webfolder
Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop
Set tags
Click on Edit »» Opens the Settings-Tab


Click on Category » Navigate inside the category
Open as webfolder
Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop
Set tags
Click on Edit »» Opens the Settings-Tab

Click on Category reference » Navigate inside the referenced category
Edit | Delete | Move | Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Click on Edit »» Gives the possibility to choose another category

Click on Course » Navigate inside the course
Unsubscribe | Open as webfolder | Edit | Info | Delete | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Click on Edit »» Opens the Course-Settings

Click on Course reference » Navigate inside the referenced course
Edit | Delete | Move | Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Click on Edit » Gives the possibility to choose another course

Click on Group » Navigate inside the Group
Unsubscribe From Group | Open as webfolder | Edit | Info | Delete | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Click on Edit »» Opens the Group-settings

Session » Show the Info-Tab (First "content" tab with information and materials)
Edit | Edit Participants | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Copy | Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit » Show the "Edit Properties"-Tab

Folder » Navigate inside the folder
Download | Open as webfolder | Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop (and Remove...) | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit »» Opens the Folder-Settings

Forum » Show the Topics-Tab (First Tab with overview of the forum)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit »» Open the Forum-Settings

Booking Pool » Show the Booking-Objects-Tab (First Tab with overview of Booking objects)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit »» Open the Bookingpool-Settings

File » Downloading the file
Edit | Versions | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Tags
Edit »» Open the Edit-Settings (Possibility to change title/description, and upload new version or replace new file)

Weblink » Open link in new window
Weblink » Show the Content-Tab (First Tab with overview of all links)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit »» Open the Content-Tab (first Tab)

Mediacast » Show the Content-Tab (First Tab with all Mediacast-entries)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit »» Open the Mediacast-Settings

Wiki » Show the Page-Tab (First Page of the Wiki)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Learning Module ILIAS » Show the Learning-module in view-mode (First Page of the Learning module)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit »» Open the Content-Tab (first Tab)

Learning Module HTML » Starts the HTML-learning-Module
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Comments | Notes | Set Tags
Edit »» Open the "List Files"-Tab

Learning Modules SCORM 1.2/2004 » Opens the Learning Module in view mode
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Learning Module SCORM2004-Editor » Show the Settings (Third Tab - Settings-tab)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Glossary » Show the Terms-Tab (First Tab with all Terms)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Exercise » Show the Assignments-Tab (First Tab with all exercises listed)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Test » Show the Info-Tab (for Admins the second Tab listed)
Edit Questions | Settings | Statistics | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Question Pool Test » Show the Questions-Tab (First Tab with all questions listed)
Edit Questions | Settings | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Notes | Set Tags

Survey » Show the Info-Tab (for Admins the second Tab listed)
Edit Questions | Settings | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Question Pool Survey » Show the Questions-Tab (First Tab with all questions listed)
Edit Questions | Settings | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Move | Copy | Add to Desktop | Notes | Set Tags

Media Pool » Show the Folders-Tab (First Tab with media-objects)
Edit | Edit Timings | Info | Delete | Link | Move | Add to Desktop | Notes | Set Tags

5.2 Proposal for ILIAS 4.4

Session » Show the Info-Tab (First "content"-info tab with information and materials)
Join | Edit (» Edit Settings) | Materials | Edit Participants | Info | Edit Timings | Delete | Copy | Add to Desktop/Remove from Desktop | Comments | Notes | Set Tags

Edit » Show the "Edit Settings"-Tab

Last edited: 14. Jul 2015, 11:07, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]