Download & Releases

7.14 (stable)

Release 7.14 has been published on September 26, 2022

  • Please read the ILIAS 7 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 7 and updating here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 7 page.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading to ILIAS 7. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

The storing of files will be changed and improved with ILIAS 7. All files need to be migrated to the new structure. More information is available in the installation instruction.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Format: .zip
Download (
224 MB, 2022-09-26
md5: 91e20079ff5a4c06722d0c25a781b2ca 

Format: .tar.gz
Download (
204 MB, 2022-09-26
md5: f260db2d56b278cf8cb2ba21993f5bb7  

Important Changes

  • ILIAS Page Editor
    • With Release 7, the ILIAS page editor was fundamentally revised. As part of the page editor, the content style was also adjusted and redundant text and block formats removed. You can see the list of removed paragraphs here:
    • When updating to ILIAS 7, please bear in mind that the changes in the content style will affect your existing content. To prevent this, you can export the content style before an update OR download the ILIAS 6 Default Content Style from the following link:
  • Setup
    • With ILIAS 7 the GUI for the Setup has been abandoned. Installing and updating ILIAS is now handled by a command line implementation of the setup. The features for maintenance mode and multi-clients have been removed completely as discussed in the context of the Setup Revision. For more information about the new Setup please have a look into the detailed documentation of the setup in the file setup/ or take a look into the ILIAS installation instructions at docs/configuration/
  • Migration of files
    • In addition to the new setup via CLI, since version 7 ILIAS also requires that so-called migrations are carried out after an update. With ILIAS 7, such a migration is, for example, that files are migrated from the file object into the new resource storage service. These migrations can already be started after the update in live mode. To do this, run# php setup/cli.php migratein the CLI for more information.

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#31879: [Administrative Notifications] Übersetzung von Wochentagen fehlt (fschmid)
#32898: [Bibliographic List Item] Bibliographic List Item can't be copied or exported (tfuhrer)
#28157: [Competence Management] Failed test: Komptenzen filtern (tfamula)
#34230: [Exercise] Portfolio Submission Fails (akill)
#32094: [File] File-Import: scandir(): Directory name cannot be empty (fschmid)
#32584: [File] Upload File with "Unknown Error" if LogLevel is DEBUG and Browser Console Log ist activated (fschmid)
#31189: [File] Files that have been migrated to version 1 of the IRSS cannot be copied before they are migrated to version 2 (fschmid)
#34364: [Forum] Forum: sprintf() error when executing the forum notification cron job (mjansen)
#32336: [ILIAS Page Editor] Str+Z löscht Textfelder (akill)
#32640: [Main Menu] MainBar Provider (Plugin): Invisible but available top items are not listed in administration of main menu (fschmid)
#31614: [Metadata + ADT] metadata: found indices that yield better performance (smeyer)
#34017: [Online Help] Failed test: Hilfe ist per Tab bedienbar- Fokusführung ist sinnvoll (akill)
#33201: [Session (Course & Group)] Aufnahme in Warteliste bei Sitzungen ohne Warteliste möglich (smeyer)
#25184: [Test & Assessment] Use Previous Answers not usable if Manually Selected Participants (maxbecker)
#33524: [Test & Assessment] Ordering Question (vertical) only show error message, after leaving a mandatory entry blank at creation (maxbecker)
#23519: [Test & Assessment] Incomplete gap combination results in error page (skergomard)
#33391: [Test & Assessment] Statistics’-tab of question makes no sense – and can be called anytime by any user w/ access to test (skergomard)
#28686: [Who is online?] entfernte Zugehörigkeiten zu Kursen werden weiterhin in Who-is-online einbezogen (smeyer)
#31798: [¥ IRSS – ILIAS Resource Storage Service] IRSS: Problem with charcaters in content-disposition HTTP-header (fschmid)
#34303: [¥ Tiny MCE] Editing LaTeX formulas in TinyMCE does not work for ILIAS instances installed in a subdirectory. (skergomard)