Download & Releases

7.7 (stable)

Release 7.7 has been published on March 9, 2022

  • Please read the ILIAS 7 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 7 and updating here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 7 page.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading to ILIAS 7. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

The storing of files will be changed and improved with ILIAS 7. All files need to be migrated to the new structure. More information is available in the installation instruction.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Format: .zip
Download (
224 MB, 2022-03-09
md5: 8226afa0e67a2c3654846f45848112dc

Format: .tar.gz
Download (
205 MB, 2022-03-09
md5: 8208749d74394519580ee826ddd31aea 

Important Changes

  • ILIAS Page Editor
    • With Release 7, the ILIAS page editor was fundamentally revised. As part of the page editor, the content style was also adjusted and redundant text and block formats removed. You can see the list of removed paragraphs here:
    • When updating to ILIAS 7, please bear in mind that the changes in the content style will affect your existing content. To prevent this, you can export the content style before an update OR download the ILIAS 6 Default Content Style from the following link:
  • Setup
    • With ILIAS 7 the GUI for the Setup has been abandoned. Installing and updating ILIAS is now handled by a command line implementation of the setup. The features for maintenance mode and multi-clients have been removed completely as discussed in the context of the Setup Revision. For more information about the new Setup please have a look into the detailed documentation of the setup in the file setup/ or take a look into the ILIAS installation instructions at docs/configuration/
  • Migration of files
    • In addition to the new setup via CLI, since version 7 ILIAS also requires that so-called migrations are carried out after an update. With ILIAS 7, such a migration is, for example, that files are migrated from the file object into the new resource storage service. These migrations can already be started after the update in live mode. To do this, run# php setup/cli.php migratein the CLI for more information.

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

  • Please note that, #21097: [Test & Assessment]Maximale Anzahl Testdurchläufe wird überschritten. (maxbecker) was also fixed for ILIAS 7.7. This fix changes the behavior of the autosave function: In cases of a forced ending of a test pass through the Test dashboard by an admin, the autosave mechanism is not triggered! Analogue equivalent: In cases of cheating in paper test, the test is also removed by the lecturer and the student doesn't have the chance to finish his sentence.

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#31674: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] Star Rating, Multiple Labeling Issue. (akill)
#31672: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] Area Repository Button is not accessible by Keaboard (mbarz)
#32108: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] Alternativtexte für Bedienelemente, Star Rating (akill)
#31422: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] A Calendar-Cell Showing an Entry Will have the Id "show_" Leading to Duplicate Ids (mbarz)
#31825: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] HTML syntax error: Bad value for attribute target in Mail Inbox-Folder (akill)
#31423: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] Calendar Day-View: Table Header Cells in Column One Are Read Repeatedly On Screen Readers (mbarz)
#31667: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] Empty Heading h2 Tag in Search, if Sessions in Results (mbarz)
#31823: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] HTML syntax error: Aligning images with the page editor (akill)
#26688: [Administration] Sortation of Administration Menu (akill)
#30292: [Administration] Error message when clicking on Settings link for HTTPS activation (mbarz)
#31710: [Administrative Notifications] Message box after successful deletion is not showing a success message (fschmid)
#31613: [Background Tasks] background tasks: found indices that yield better performance (fschmid)
#31940: [CSS / Templates] CSS folder for styles is not created (akill)
#32127: [Certificate] Global certificate background becomes local file when copying an object (mjansen)
#31991: [Contacts] Galerie kann nicht aufgerufen werden (mjansen)
#32105: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Error in PDMainBarProvider leads to loop (akill)
#32031: [File] failed to open dir: No such file or directory during migration (fschmid)
#31593: [Glossary] In Listenansicht und bei Druck wird der "Titel" des Glossareintrages nicht angezeigt (akill)
#31200: [ILIAS Page Editor] History has two edit buttons (akill)
#31443: [ILIAS Page Editor] No internal link popover in (data) table (akill)
#31558: [ILIAS Page Editor] Page Editor zeigt in neu angelegten Page Layouts keine individuell angelegten section-style-classes (akill)
#31222: [ILIAS Page Editor] "Back" from Style oder History should redirect to Editing of Page (akill)
#32067: [ILIAS Page Editor] Column Layout: Full height style broken (akill)
#32148: [ILIAS Page Editor] Same Buttons at the Same Place to open Page Editor in Wiki and Glossary (akill)
#32177: [ILIAS Page Editor] Externe Links mit dynamischen Parametern führen zu Gateway-Timeout (akill)
#32048: [ILIAS Page Editor] Long captions increases picture size and don't line-break (akill)
#31199: [ILIAS Page Editor] Media: Different Style Classes in Slate and Style Tab (akill)
#30809: [ILIAS Page Editor] Aktionen-Menü des Objektes noch im Editing ersichtlich. (akill)
#32133: [ILIAS Page Editor] Error when editing (broken) internal links in a LM - Data loss when saving (can be restored through history) (akill)
#32022: [ILIAS Page Editor] Enexüected data loss after saving - Editor history comparison opens with a Whoops message (akill)
#30433: [ILIAS Page Editor] Multi-Action "Select All" sollte nach Nutzung "disabled" sein. (akill)
#32071: [ILIAS Page Editor] Embedded media too small (akill)
#31435: [ILIAS Page Editor] Übersetzung des Bezeichners des Seitenelementes im Erstellungsprozess fehlt. (akill)
#31577: [ILIAS Page Editor] Text: Keyboard Shortcuts bold, italic, underline are not saved (akill)
#31641: [ILIAS Page Editor] Links are clickable in the editor's edit mode (akill)
#20824: [ILIAS Page Editor] Array-Error (akill)
#31862: [ILIAS Page Editor] Übersetzung der Block-Absatzformate wird beim Editoren von Text nicht angezeigt (akill)
#31246: [ILIAS Page Editor] Formatting in data table is lost on Finish Editing (akill)
#30414: [ILIAS Page Editor] Formularüberschrift für "Update Media"-Formular (akill)
#30361: [ILIAS Page Editor] Data Table: Spalten sollen eine alphabetische Benennung haben. (akill)
#30360: [ILIAS Page Editor] Data Table: Ausdehnung des Zeilen-Dropdowns und Ausrichtung (akill)
#30560: [ILIAS Page Editor] Hinweistext am ersten Create-Button, so lang noch keinerlei Inhalte existieren (akill)
#30515: [ILIAS Page Editor] Contradicting message about locked page editing (and option to add elements) (akill)
#32056: [Language Handling] Streamline spelling: "E-Mail-Adresse" (mkunkel)
#31441: [Language Handling] Suggested Label Changes in ILIAS Page Editor > creating-section-slate (mkunkel)
#32155: [Logging] Fatal Error from Nightly Build (smeyer)
#32069: [Mail] Wrong text in profile mail setting, when incoming mail setting is locked (nadia)
#31935: [Mail] Fehlende Variable lässt CronJob nicht verstehen. (mjansen)
#31403: [Main Menu] Main Menu Entries are not shown if Permission "Read" is not set (fschmid)
#31390: [Main Menu] Main menu item last visited cannot be configured permission sensitive (fschmid)
#31523: [Main Menu] "Visibility for roles" can be configured for default entries although no effect (fschmid)
#30796: [Main Menu] Sorting in Main Menu (fschmid)
#31947: [MathJax] Added version parameter to all JS files breaks MathJax in the Browser (fschmid)
#32162: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Video Element (e.g. in Learning Module) not fully responsive (akill)
#31926: [Metadata + ADT] Metadata/ADT: Issue with enum and \ilADTEnumSearchBridgeSingle::importFromPost (smeyer)
#23546: [Metadata + ADT] Missing Dimension (mbarz)
#28627: [Online Help] Screen-ID ist nicht vorhanden (Organisation) (mbarz)
#32057: [Online Help] Missing Screen IDs in Page Editor (akill)
#28625: [Online Help] Screen-ID ist nicht vorhanden (Organisation) (mbarz)
#28791: [Online Help] Missing Screen-IDs in Organisation (mbarz)
#31828: [Personal Profile] HTML syntax error: Personal Profile > Profile and Privacy (mbarz)
#31934: [Setup] all cache_activated_components are being set as "active" (rklees)
#31053: [Setup] Missing directory data/%client_id%/css after initial setup run (akill)
#31953: [Study Programme] Labels for creating link to study programme are not shown because lang vars are not assigned to group 'common' (mkunkel)
#32139: [Terms of Service] Two different entries for 'withdraw acceptance' would be useful (mjansen)
#31972: [Terms of Service] ToS violates tabs guideline (mjansen)
#32028: [Test & Assessment] Manuelle Bewertung im Verlauf (ta-bugs)
#32078: [Test & Assessment] Customize icon marked.svg is ignored by "Dashboard" view in Test runs (maxbecker)
#28489: [Test & Assessment] Broken Commandforwarder in Test (maxbecker)
#30982: [Test & Assessment] Nachkorrektur: Lösung editieren nicht möglich / Corrections: Edit Solution not possible (maxbecker)
#26194: [Test & Assessment] T&A Random Test: Multiple clicks on "Synchronize Questions from Pool" result in "tst_rnd_cpy" duplicates (ta-bugs)
#31016: [Test & Assessment] ImageMagick Bug in ImageMap Hotspots (maxbecker)
#30357: [Test & Assessment] Dashboard: Column "Unfinished Passes" (expired Limit Duration of Test) (maxbecker)
#32075: [User Service] User Management: Role Assignment Group Context Link Broken (smeyer)
#31852: [¥ File System] Sprachvariable für -migrated- fehlt (fschmid)
#31093: [¥ Global Screen Service] Sortierung des Fly-Outs in der vertikalen Kachelleiste wird nicht richtig übernommen (fschmid)