Download & Releases
6.10 (stable)
Release 6.10 has been published on June 25, 2021
- Please read the ILIAS 6 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation here.
- Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
- Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 6 page.
If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading to ILIAS 6. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.
ILIAS 6 comes with a revised page layout. If you have customised the layout of your ILIAS installation you have to adapt it to the new look.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download ( MB, 2021-06-25
md5: ed21ed54e3407b77939741e54ef5f0eb
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download ( MB, 2021-06-25
md5: 73cde9d91e8fdc28aa278a2be0b5b145
Known Issues
- none
Changed Behaviour
- Auto-linking in page editor content has been changed due to issue 30476. Only strings starting with http(s) will be converted to links.
Updated Languages
- Japanese language file, thanks to Shiro Tamoto
Fixed Issues
The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#11867: [Administration] Cron Job Administration : Unclear Setting/Option (mjansen)
#30594: [Badges] Typo beim Erstellen von Badges (akill)
#28412: [Calendar] Deleting an item from the calendar block does not offer any buttons to confirm/abandon (smeyer)
#29096: [Calendar] Only the consultation hours of two users are displayed in the course (smeyer)
#28792: [Calendar] Termin hinzufügen über Kurs-/ Gruppenkalender zeigt leere Seite (smeyer)
#28207: [Certificate] Fehlermeldung am Kurs Untermenü Zertifikat (mjansen)
#30284: [Comments] Missing icon in the "Comments" area (akill)
#30835: [Content Page (Repository Object)] GOTO LP-Settings Link doesn't work for Content Page (mjansen)
#30287: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Missing icon in the "Dahboard" area (akill)
#30772: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Letter Avatar lässt sich nicht deaktivieren (fschmid)
#30700: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Meine Kurse und Gruppen zeigt nicht alle anzuzeigenden Kurse an (akill)
#30747: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Standard Listing Panels vs. List GUI »» Dashboard vs. Magazin (akill)
#30604: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Dashboard > Argument 'title': expected string, got NULL (akill)
#30900: [Forum] Visual bug: active state (mjansen)
#30853: [Forum] Forum, "Export as HTML File": scrollbar is missing (mjansen)
#30045: [Glossary] Reiterübersicht wird nach Druckansicht fehlerhaft angezeigt / Tab overview is displayed incorrectly after print preview (akill)
#28583: [ILIAS Page Editor] When adding an animated carousel in Page Editor, the view vertically extends (akill)
#30491: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] media element ignores sizes of source file before playing (akill)
#30338: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Error: Loading a page in an ILIAS learning module, where the surrounding chapter is given a precondition: (akill)
#30027: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Usability: one-chapter learning modules -> hide table of contents (akill)
#29650: [Login, Auth & Registration] Landing page after direct self-registration doesn't allow to login (mbarz)
#30728: [Login, Auth & Registration] OpenID-Connect ist nicht auswählbar (smeyer)
#30827: [Mail] Mail: inappropriate logging of mail content (mjansen)
#30861: [Mail] Critical Error when sending mail (fschmid)
#30743: [Main Menu] Main menu entries of type "custom" no longer shown in Public Area after update to 6 (fschmid)
#30285: [Notes] Missing icon in the "Notes" area (akill)
#30791: [Test & Assessment] User cannot "Close Special Character Selector" (maxbecker)
#28793: [Test & Assessment] Error Kiosk Mode (maxbecker)
#30732: [Test & Assessment] Kachelansicht-> Pulldowmenü -> Eintrag "Open" (akill)
#25806: [Test & Assessment] Ordering Question (Horizontal) (akill)
#28752: [Test & Assessment] Forwarding from a course to a survey (maxbecker)
#28663: [Test & Assessment] Finish Test error (maxbecker)
#29884: [Test & Assessment] Test schließt in Prüfung nicht korrekt (maxbecker)
#29994: [Test & Assessment] Error-Message after Test is completed (ilTemplateException thrown with message "The variable placeholder 'ADM_CONTENT' was not ) (maxbecker)
#28222: [Test & Assessment] Placeholder ADM_Content was not found in the template: ilTemplateException (maxbecker)
#30731: [¥ Init] Hard-coded lang var with "Umlautproblem" (smeyer)