Download & Releases
6.8 (stable)
Release 6.8 has been published on March 19, 2021
- Please read the ILIAS 6 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation here.
- Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
- Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 6 page.
If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading to ILIAS 6. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.
ILIAS 6 comes with a revised page layout. If you have customised the layout of your ILIAS installation you have to adapt it to the new look.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download ( MB, 2021-03-19
md5: fb05af49e617defa29e1448a4fceb5f2
<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download ( MB, 2021-03-19
md5: c7a8abc5e75be637ba9e847110837fd1
Known Issues
- none
Changed Behaviour
- [Test & Assessment]: Test Pass ID is shown in Non-Kiosk-Mode, if activated: See #26088. The test pass id is also shown in statistics and statistics export files, if the option is activated in "Scoring and Results".
Fixed Issues
Security Fixes
#30302: PHP session ID in page source code (reported by Tobias Gressel, Mohamad Nour Almujarkesh, Michael Gallmann - imbus AG)
The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#30124: [Booking Tool] BookingManager: Invalid type 'integer' used as type hint (akill)
#29463: [Category and Repository] Failed test: Extra-Filter im Unterreiter Verwalten (akill)
#29379: [Category and Repository] Container (PHP 8): Private methods cannot be final as they are never overridden by other classes (akill)
#29380: [Category and Repository] Object Service (PHP 8): Private methods cannot be final as they are never overridden by other classes (akill)
#29350: [Category and Repository] Failed test: Manuell (akill)
#29053: [Category and Repository] MainMenu/LastVisited: Fehlerhaft Darstellung der 'Zuletzt besucht' im Hauptmenü (akill)
#30139: [Certificate] Failed unit test "ilCertificateTemplatePreviewActionTest::testA" (mjansen)
#30022: [Cloud Object] Direct links / deep links result in endless loop (ttruffer)
#30283: [Contacts] Missing icon in the "Contact" area (mjansen)
#29312: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Failed test: Das Ändern der Ansichten für die Rolle 'User' unterbinden (akill)
#30034: [Exercise] Failed test: Tutor setzt einen individuellen Abgabetermin für die Übungseinheit für Teilnehmer B (akill)
#28789: [File] Multi File Download crashes on nested empty folders (lzehnder)
#30066: [ILIAS Page Editor] Error after saving iframe as media object (akill)
#26924: [Language Handling] Translation-Link does not work (fneumann)
#30164: [Language Handling] Languages: duplicate entries (all), some typos (de), missing translations (en) (mkunkel)
#28963: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Error in Apache log (akill)
#30267: [Login, Auth & Registration] SAML: "Database error: could not find driver" (mjansen)
#29052: [Main Menu] Nicht-Responsive Darstellung der Favoriten im Hauptmenü (akill)
#29654: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Neuen Media Pool anlegen (akill)
#29660: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Medienobjekt in Zwischenablage kopieren II (akill)
#29659: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Medienobjekt in Zwischenablage kopieren (akill)
#29657: [Media Pools and Media Objects] Failed test: Eigenschaften des Medienobjekts bearbeiten (akill)
#29967: [News] Failed test: Zusammenfassungsmails aus Kursen und Gruppen: Mitglieder müssen Benachrichtigungen aktivieren (akill)
#29583: [Portfolio] Failed test: individuelles Stylesheet anlegen - keine Edit-Möglichkeit für normale User (akill)
#29702: [SCORM Online Editor] Failed test: Übersicht über Medien im SCO (akill)
#29701: [SCORM Online Editor] Failed test: Übersicht über Fragen im SCO (akill)
#30060: [Survey] Failed test: Einer Frage Lerninhalte hinzufügen (akill)
#30028: [Survey] SurveyQuestionPool: question type missing in question table (akill)
#29054: [Tagging] MainMenu/Tags Veraltete Rendermethoden in der Tag-Ansicht (akill)
#29375: [¥ Global Screen Service] GlobalScreen (PHP 8): Private methods cannot be final as they are never overridden by other classes (fschmid)
#26088: [Test & Assessment] 'examid_in_test_pass' => 'setShowExamIdInTestPassEnabled' doesn´t show exam id in statistics and in results_presentation (maxbecker)