Download & Releases

6.2 (stable)

Release 6.2 has been published on August 14, 2020

  • Please read the ILIAS 6 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation here.
  • Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 6 page.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading to ILIAS 6. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS 6 comes with a revised page layout. If you have customised the layout of your ILIAS installation you have to adapt it to the new look.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download (
203 MB, 2020-08-14
md5: 6d0b3383e9e81dabaa6329303190b5ed

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download (
182 MB, 2020-08-14
md5: d943d1b3ccfdbe9e84bcf7affd11dbec

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

Updated Languages

  • Hungarian language file, thanks to Dani Kiss
  • Portuguese language file, thanks to Lamboy88

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#28614: [Administration] Whoops! Error Message, wenn ich "Wer hat hier welche Rechte?" aufrufen möchte (unter Kommentare) (akill)
#28620: [Administration] Whoops! Error Message, wenn ich "Wer hat hier welche Rechte?" aufrufen möchte (unter Persönlicher Arbeitsraum) (akill)
#28616: [Administration] Whoops! Error Message, wenn ich "Wer hat hier welche Rechte?" aufrufen möchte (unter Lernerfolge) (akill)
#28617: [Administration] Whoops! Error Message, wenn ich "Wer hat hier welche Rechte?" aufrufen möchte (unter Umfragen) (akill)
#28618: [Administration] Whoops! Error Message, wenn ich "Wer hat hier welche Rechte?" aufrufen möchte (unter Dashboard) (akill)
#28619: [Administration] Whoops! Error Message, wenn ich "Wer hat hier welche Rechte?" aufrufen möchte (unter Notizen) (akill)
#27196: [Calendar] Failed test: iCal-Link überprüfen (smeyer)
#21688: [Calendar] Strange behaviour of course calendar and consultation hours (smeyer)
#23481: [Calendar] Consultation Hours: name of the lecturer is not displayed while booking (smeyer)
#28750: [Course Management] Course-members see Offline courses on "My Courses and Groups" and in "Favourites" (smeyer)
#28601: [Export] Veranstaltungszeitraum wird zurückgesetzt (smeyer)
#28605: [Export] Begrüßungsmail Einstellung wird zurückgesetzt (smeyer)
#28765: [Forum] Duplicate titles and missing discussion thread (mjansen)
#28763: [Forum] Link to Thread leads to Forum (mjansen)
#27094: [ILIAS Page Editor] Remove the "Page has been locked" message when inserting text (akill)
#28664: [Mail] Umstellung von 5.4.x zur 6.1 Mail-Versandfehler mit aktivierten Platzhalter (mjansen)
#28355: [Main Menu] Missing repository menu items after update to ILIAS 6.0 (fschmid)
#28465: [Main Menu] migration from 5.4.x to 6.x corrupts the mainmenu (fschmid)
#28733: [Main Menu] MainMenu Icon not uploaded in Custom Mainentry (fschmid)
#26449: [News] Neuigkeiten/News auf dem Dashboard haben noch Einstellungen (akill)
#28623: [Online Help] Screen-ID ist nicht vorhanden (Administration) (fschmid)
#28621: [Online Help] Screen-ID ist nicht vorhanden (Administration) (fschmid)
#28764: [Online Help] Placeholders are replaced if Main Menu Configuration is changed (akill)
#28646: [Test & Assessment] Missing text in Questions (Detailed Results) (maxbecker)
#28516: [Test & Assessment] Formula Question: Rounding calculation wrong (maxbecker)
#26513: [Test & Assessment] Formula question: fraction result not always recognized as correct (maxbecker)
#25954: [Test & Assessment] Formula question: Coprime fraction result not recognized as correct (maxbecker)
#26097: [Test & Assessment] Multiple Choice Question (MC) with answering limit has enabled options when viewed again (maxbecker)
#28548: [Test & Assessment] Wrong use of precision in the formula question (maxbecker)
#28361: [¥ Global Screen Service] The navigation menu is not rendered (fschmid)
#26683: [¥ UI Components / KS] File Input accepts wrong data types (fschmid)