
ILIAS team, ILIAS society, SIGs and worldwide user groups


ILIAS Society

The ILIAS open source eLearning society is the home and publisher of the ILIAS software. The society's activities are driven by its members, who are made up of institutional members, service providers and private members who appreciate how special ILIAS is. The ILIAS society is open to everyone.

The ILIAS society welcomes new members and users and would love to help you find your way into the community and find the information you need to get started - whether you just want to use ILIAS or also want to support its further development. For more information check out our Onboarding Group.

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Homepage of ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
A group for all questions concerning ILIAS


ILIAS Conference

The International ILIAS conference is the most important user event of the year within the ILIAS community. It's the best oportunity to meet other community members and to get an idea for the sorts of things that are possible with ILIAS and the huge range of its usage scenarios.

The bi-annual Development Conference is a free event for developers, administrators, concepters and users to talk about about the further development of ILIAS and the plans to get there.

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Group of the biannual conference for developers and power users


Developing in the Community

ILIAS users with similar interests meet in the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and conceptualise specific ILIAS functions. Join specific groups if you would like to contribute to further development.

Futhermore, several ILIAS users have organised themselves into regional or national user groups to share experiences and together influence the further development of ILIAS.

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Anwendergruppen zu spezifischen ILIAS-Themen
Regional and national users of ILIAS
Help us to fund the further development of ILIAS!
Make a donation to help us finance the ongoing ILIAS development


Connecting with the Community

If you would like to meet our community, you can use our forums to exchange ideas on specific topics. You can also find many active members on our Discord server and chat with them there.

The ILIAS Learning Management System is used for teaching, training and learning all over the world. Here you can find a list of selected installations. If your installation isn't listed, please let us know!

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Data Collection
List of ILIAS installations worldwide • Add your installation now!
Open workspace for ILIAS community with channels for development and administration topics, CSS, plugins and more | Requires acc