Download & Releases

6.0 (stable)

Release 6.0 has been published on May 18, 2020

  • Please read the ILIAS 6 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation here.
  • Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 6 page.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading to ILIAS 6. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS 6 comes with a revised page layout. If you have customised the layout of your ILIAS installation you have to adapt it to the new look.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download (
204 MB, 2020-05-20
md5: 5c534e6b0a8a5ed6f6bfe73229812eae

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download (
183 MB, 2020-05-20
md5: 39c1a59847c38bf48ac39c65e5d60fe9

Known Issues

  • There are still several issues concerning accessibility. We will try to fix them in the upcoming minor releases.

Changed Behaviour

  • The user configuration of  "show me in the who-is-online tool" has been changed to an "opt-in" due to bug #28970. A default setting has been added to the user administration accordingly. For details, see this comment in the bug report. The change has also been made for 5.3.22 and 5.4.12.

Fixed Bugs

Security Fixes

  • Fixed local file inclusion via import of personal data (reported by Holger Fuhrmannek, Telekom Security)
  • Fixed information leak of uploaded data path via workspace upload (reported by Holger Fuhrmannek, Telekom Security)