Download & Releases

5.3.13 (stable)

Release 5.3.13 has been published on February 14, 2019

Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.4.x -> 5.0.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.3.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip
Download (
184 MB, 2019-02-14
md5: 4f1a38fd3b76be9e91cb8a78c1317165

<div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz
Download (
170 MB, 2019-02-14
md5: bf396a2c14720ed13dbfa14c28199f1d

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:

24908: [Exercise] Exercise: Missing checks for object permissions in \ilExerciseManagementGUI::executeCommand (smeyer)
24860: [File] FileSystem: Meaning of 'timestamp' in FileReadAccess::getTimestamp (fschmid)
24559: [File] “Download Multiple Objects” in course (and groups?) broken for members (lzehnder)
24900: [Test & Assessment] Error when clicking on "Hints"-tab in question pool (bheyser)
24691: [Search] (SOAP) \ilSoapObjectAdministration::searchObjects: Object type argument not respected if Lucene is used for search (smeyer)
23824: [Learning Module ILIAS : Assessment Questions] Latex in MC Fragen beim ersten Laden nicht gerendert (bheyser)
24347: [Test & Assessment] Das Anzeigen von LaTeX-Code ist nicht immer möglich / Viewing LaTeX code is not always possible (bheyser)
24759: [MathJax] Mathjax Client Engine does Randomly Fail for Certain Parts of Page (fneumann)
24822: [User Service] Neutral gender for ILIAS 5.3 (mjansen)
24845: [Calendar] Remote Calendar does not respect Proxy Settings (smeyer)
24185: [Session (Course & Group)] Only owners get content on the Edit Participants tab in sessions (smeyer)
24509: [Session (Course & Group)] Recht auf "Sitzungsteilnehmer verwalten" (smeyer)
23781: [Session (Course & Group)] Kursadministrator*innen haben keinen Zugriff auf „Sitzungsteilnehmer verwalten“ (smeyer)
23138: [Test & Assessment] Kprim-Choice question canvas needs improvement (bheyser)
24600: [Learning Module ILIAS : Editor] Error when uploading file in empty file list (akill)
21881: [Administration] Copy Didactic Template "Closed Session" (smeyer)
23117: [LTI] Description of LTI-Cron is missing (smeyer)
23015: [LTI] Crob Job "lti_outcome" (smeyer)
23269: [Competence Management] skill managament keeps data when user is deleted (akill)
24562: [Badges] LDAP/Badges: User Sync crashes: Exception: Call to a member function getSkin() on null SYSTEM (akill)
23900: [Exercise] Übung mit Abgabetyp Portfolio: "alle Abgaben herunterladen" führt zu Fehler (akill)
23809: [Portfolio] [54] Auswirkung des Löschens eines Blogs im Arbeitsraum auf das Portfolio (akill)
24567: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] PermaLink widget is displayed on top of Glossary Section (akill)
22069: [_Other] Some language issues (mkunkel)

Fixed Security Issues

  • XSS in class.assClozeTestGUI::getAggregatedAnswersView (Corrections / Nachkorrektur) (Researcher: Felix Pahlow)
  • Verwundbarkeit über manipulierbare client_id (Researcher: Bernhard Liebl)