User Import Script Community
Excel based import of multiple users into ILIAS • Download and community exchange
Supporting OrgUnits Positions Assignments since version 4.0
Supporting 64 bit Office since version 3.0.
The User Management excel sheet allows a simple import of multiple users into ILIAS, change user data, assign roles and positions (OrgUnits) and more..
Please download newest version below.
How to use
- Enter user data of multiple users to insert, update or delete user, assign to roles and courses and much more.
- Push button to export data as XML file
- Import XML file in ILIAS
See comments in titles for further infos. Use forum for any questions.
- Fix "UTF-16LE" Encoding
- Support for OrgUnit Positions (new sheets: Positions, Position-Declaration).
(Kudos to Halle School of Health Care gGmbH for co-funding)
Further details on OrgUnits: - New Setting: Add time to filename (User-Declaration, Position-Declaration)
- New logos and new "Create XX Import" buttons (Kudos to Emil L.)
- Refactoring of some old code: minor tweaks, error handling
v. 3.1
- Empty cell in 'language' would set language to "DE". With this fix, system language is set, when inserting and no change to language is applied, when updating.
v. 3 (Sylvester Edition)
- Added Office 64-bit Support. So now any version should be working just fine.
- Refactoring of "Save XML file" Dialog. Only file type ".xml" is available for export (again).
- Added new column "Birthday" (see column comment for details)
- Added "oidc" value to AuthMode and a dynamic table for further AuthModes. Just add them to the list in "Declaration"-table
v. 2.6.7:
- Bugfix Country/CountrySel.
- Salutation (no more 'Gender') with added 'n' (=neutral/no salutation) value.
v. 2.6.6:
- Enhanced function password(pwLength, nmbrDigits, nmbrCharacters). Only in ILIAS supported characters are possible: ( A-Z a-z 0-9 _.+?#-*@!$%~/:;)
v. 2.6.5:
- Enhanced function password(pwLength, nmbrDigits, nmbrCharacters). Now adding special characters is possible.
- Abandoned MD5 encryption for passwords, finally. See Blog for details.
- Added new column "Country (ISO)" to set selectable country field (in addition to country as plain text).
- Small fix in SaveAsDialog: XML extension should be set by default now.
- Some small changes to column descriptions.
v. 2.6.4:
- Added new column "AuthMode" (s. column comment or forum for more info, be aware of the bug!!).
- Added new column "External Account" (s. column comment for details).
v. 2.6.3:
- Added new (missing) column "Unlimited Access" (s. column comment for more info)
v. 2.6.2:
- Added new column "Skin-ID" where the ILIAS skin could be set/updated for any user (s. column comment)
v. 2.6.1:
- Added notification about abondoned MD5 encryption (table "MD5 Declaration")
- Mac Support: in progress..
- Fixing local role with colon in title "Local:MyRole@[CourseTitle with: colon]": fixed in "core". Avaible in next release.
- Adding OrgUnits Import (funding needed)
- Fixing "limited access" time
- Fixing "SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'import_id' at row 1" (object_data.import_id is limited to 50 characters).
A LibreOffice Version is available, kindly provided by a (former) forum user. Use at your own risk.
by Stanislav Wischniak, Qualitus GmbH (based on the script by Werner Randelshofer / Peter Hofer, HS Luzern)
542.15 KB
Version: 9
22. Jul 2024, 17:59
See this blog for more details on the extended script UserManagement, on the available features, next steps and everything else you might need to know when using the script
Use this forum for questions and comments on the use, the development or anything else regarding the User Import Script
Posts: 278
Latest Post: Hallo Georg. [quote="Georg Waasem (... from Stanislav Wischniak (wischniak), 25. Nov 2024, 13:27
Latest Post: Hallo Georg. [quote="Georg Waasem (... from Stanislav Wischniak (wischniak), 25. Nov 2024, 13:27