Thread "Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment"


  • Deleted
    Deleted | 8. Apr 2016, 20:40 Select
    Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment

    Grettings from Canada!

    I was wondering if anyone had a sample of the xml for the XML User Assignment in hte Organisational Unit section?

    I've been able to successfully use the Simple XML Import to load an organisational structure; but I cannot figure out the structure for the user assignment.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Deleted
    Deleted | 6. Dec 2019, 15:19 Select
    Re: Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment

    Hi Tom,
    I'm Gabriel from Italy.
    I found your post today.
    Can you tell me if you were able to manage massive user assignments to organizational units?
    currently I need to assign three hundred users to different organizational units. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance

  • Deleted
    Deleted | 2. Jan 2020, 23:01 Select
    Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment

    someone can tell me which tables have to populate to assign the staff to the Organization Unit?
    I need to import to many users to different org. units, and I can't use the ILIAS Interface because requires too may time.

    Thank you in advance


  • evan.jackson
    Evan Jackson | evan.jackson | 7. Jan 2020, 13:21 Select
    Edited on: 7. Jan 2020, 13:36 - by Evan Jackson | evan.jackson
    Re: Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment

    HI Gabriel, il_orgu_ua and il_orgu_ua_seq for an incrementing id are the table you have to populate / update.

    id - The id+1 from il_orgu_ua_seq (don't forget to update that table)
    user_id - user id you're assiging to (from usr_data or object_data)
    position_id - you can get this from il_orgu_positions, but it's generally 1 for Employees and 2 for Superiors
    orgu_id - the object REF_ID (not obj_id).

    you can get the list of orgu_id's in your system using the following.

    SELECT obr.ref_id AS 'orgu_id', od.title FROM object_data od
    INNER JOIN object_reference obr ON obr.obj_id = od.obj_id
    WHERE od.type = 'orgu' AND title != '__OrgUnitAdministration'
    AND obr.deleted IS NULL

  • Deleted
    Deleted | 7. Jan 2020, 14:49 Select
    Re(2): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    Hi Evan,
    Thank you so much for your answer.
    I developed a stored procedure to do it, but I needed confirmation that only these two tables were involved.

    Thank you again for your support.


  • Qndrs
    Robert Kuunders | Qndrs | 30. Oct 2020, 13:18 Select
    Re(3): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    Hi all,

    Does anyone know if the XML User Assignment (import) actually works and what structure the file should have? (Is there a DTD around maybe?) I'm looking for a more user friendly way to bulk-assign or change users to Organisational Units. With the XMl import I can just send the XML file to the ILIAS administrator. 


  • Deleted
    Deleted | 21. Jan 2021, 14:43 Select
    Re(4): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    Hi all,

    Does anyone know if the XML User Assignment (import) works and what the file structure looks like?
    It would be really helpful for our ILIAS Administrators to just use this XML Import function with the XML file to assign users a position and an organizational unit. Can anyone help us out there? The XML file structure would us help out a lot. 

    Best regards,

  • Deleted
    Deleted | 25. Jan 2021, 15:36 Select
    Re(5): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    Hi there,

    thanks for your quick response. Sadly this did not satifisy my request cause I am not talking about bringing user into the Ilias System itself. 
    We are using LDAP Auth and Sync to bring our user into the System. 
    So we are still facing the same issue we created some organisational units and want to add users under the Staff tab with an XML File. If we go to the Content tab we can select importing user with an XML File sadly I dont know how this XML must be structed to work within the Ilias due to time issues I dont have the time to try it out myself. Maybe somebody knows how it looks like and can help us out with it. Maybe there is a way to set it up within the Active Directory Structure so we can apply it during the synchronisation? I did not found how you can assign it beside manually adding him by typing the name.
    Attached I have some Screenshots where you see everything I meant earlier.

    Best regards,

  • evan.jackson
    Evan Jackson | evan.jackson | 25. Jan 2021, 16:12 Select
    Edited on: 25. Jan 2021, 16:13 - by Evan Jackson | evan.jackson
    Re(6): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment

    Realized my mistake and deleted my response. I revisited the files in the import gui and determined that you can import with the following structure

        <Assignment action='add'>
            <User id_type='ilias_login'>root</User>
            <OrgUnit id_type='reference_id'>116</OrgUnit>

    action can either be add or remove

    User's id_type can either be email ilias_login or external_id
    Orgunit's id_type can either be reference_id (the ref_id) or external_id (import_id in object_data)
    Role can either be superior or employee

    Hope this helps, I was successfully able to  enroll 'root' into a orgunit with a ref_id of 116 with that xml. using the XML User Assignment button.


  • Deleted
    Deleted | 25. Jan 2021, 17:09 Select
    Re(7): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    Hi there,

    Thank you it worked like a charm.

    One last thing: I can only assign the role "employee" or "superior" if I define a test position for example "TESTROLE" and I call the role in the XML file I recieve an error that the role is not valid. Screenshot and XML File is attached.

    How can I fix these because we need more than just two positions in our organisational unit?

    Best regards,

  • evan.jackson
    Evan Jackson | evan.jackson | 25. Jan 2021, 17:51 Select
    Edited on: 25. Jan 2021, 17:53 - by Evan Jackson | evan.jackson
    Re(8): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment

    looks like the custom positions aren't implemented unfortunately. I proposed a change to Ilias to allow custom roles, you can use that at your own risk but i'm sure the repo owners will comment if it isn't the proper way to do it.

  • Deleted
    Deleted | 25. Jan 2021, 18:05 Select
    Re(7): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    Hi Evan,
    Can you tell me where can I find the button,"XML User Assignment"?

  • evan.jackson
    Evan Jackson | evan.jackson | 25. Jan 2021, 18:26 Select
    Edited on: 25. Jan 2021, 18:27 - by Evan Jackson | evan.jackson
    Re(8): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    Sure, if you go to Administration -> Organisational Units it should be the subtab Import

    Keep in mind i'm in ilias 5.4 so things might change.

  • Deleted
    Deleted | 25. Jan 2021, 23:33 Select
    Re(9): Organizational Unit - XML User Assignment
    You are Great Evan !

    If you want to know, in ILAS 6 the button is in the same place.

    Also, I have verified that in ILIAS 6 it is possible to filter course members by organizational unit, which in ILIAS 5.4 does not work. right?

    Thanks for your advices
