Bologna 2022

Looking Back at Bologna

After two virtual editions, the 2022 ILIAS conference took place again as a face-to-face event at 8 and 9 September in Bologna, the city with the oldest university in Europe. The conference motto 2022 was:

diverse – innovative – secure

The venue in Bologna was the FICO Congress Center. The 21st ILIAS Conference has been organised by the Italian ILIAS service provider OC Open Consulting srl in collaboration with the ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.

Below you will find the programme of the International ILIAS Conference 2022. Click on a programme item to find out more about the lecture or workshop. Registered presentations have been published on our sind im Conference Channel on YouTube.

Programme of the Bologna Conference

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 09:30 - 11:00

Plenum • Sala A+B • with translation

Opening of conference

Welcome Greetings
Paolo Calvano, Region Emilia Romagna
Oliver Samoila, ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.

Future of work & education - beyond the buzzwords
Anja C. Wagner
Keynote [de]

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break
FICO Conference Center

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 11:30 - 13:00

Plenum: presentations of hosts • Sala A+B • with translation

L'e-learning può diventare generatore di cambiamento sociale e creare impatto? Una storia di coraggio con il buon uso delle tecnologie e della formazione digitale (Can e-learning become a generator of social change and create impact? A courage story with the good use of technologies and digital training)
Roberto del Mastro, OC Open Consulting

Back to the Future: What comes with ILIAS 8 and 9
Matthias Kunkel, ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break
FICO Food Theme Park

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 14:30 - 16:00

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break
FICO Conference Center

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 16:30 - 18:00

Thursday, 08 September 2022, 18:00 - 22:00

Social Event
FICO Food Theme Park

  • Wine tasting (optional)
  • Dinner at Trattoria Bolognese

Friday, 09 September 2022, 09:00 - 11:00

Friday, 09 September 2022, 11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break
FICO Conference Center

Friday, 09 September 2022, 11:30 - 13:00

Friday, 09 September 2022, 13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break
FICO Food Theme Park

Friday, 09 September 2022, 14:30 - 16:00

Friday, 09 September 2022, 16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break
FICO Conference Center

Friday, 09 September 2022, 16:30 - 17:30

Plenum • Sala A • with translation

Good Practices and Perspectives in the Introduction of the Use of Technology in Italian High Schools Educational Programs
Luigi Vitellio
Keynote [it]

ILIAS Community Award 2022
Yvonne Fischer & Thomas Schroeder

Goodbye and announcement of the ILIAS Conference 2023
Matthias Kunkel

The Key Topics of the ILIAS Conference 2022

Back to the Future

The last two and a half years have seen a previously unimagined hype around digital work and education. A lot of this revolves around the concept of ‘New Work’, at the heart of which lie teaching and learning, which, thanks to this intense spotlight, also now have the opportunity to redefine themselves.

But how should the future of this new world of digital freedom and learning look? Which of the sometimes rather hasty approaches of the recent past should be developed further in the future, and which digital solutions have not proved effective?

How do businesses, organisations, schools and institutions of higher education solve the new challenges? How can we implement and combine compulsory learning, meaningful, work-oriented and life-phase oriented learning? And what role do digital sovereignty and security play?

Presentations and workdhops will spread fresh impulses when it comes to using ILIAS and new forms of learning and learning technologies. They show us approaches and ideas, for example hybrid sceanarios, technical solutions and tools, and the use of media and didactic methods.

Diversity Management – ILIAS for Everyone

Diversity is opportunity: ‘Diversity’ is, along with ‘New Work’, the other big topic on everyone’s lips nowadays.

What are the challenges facing teaching and learning, vocational training and further education when it comes to diversity? The same learning media are meant to address and appeal to a wide range of different user groups, and at the same time, barriers, prejudice and injustice should be eliminated, allowing everyone to enjoy the experience of using digital learning opportunities.

Diversity also means treating each individual’s education as just that – individual. This diversity needs to be structured and organised.

Ideas and experiences will be presented on how successful diversity management can be achieved with ILIAS, what approaches have been found and what opportunities are seen.

How-to … Multipliers – Your ILIAS Needs You

Everyone has had one of those epiphanies – you know the ones – they usually start with ‘Ahhh!’ and then proceed with a ‘that’s how that works!’ or ‘you can achieve A using B!’ or ‘so that’s what that is for!’

One of the strengths of ILIAS is the sheer amount of different things you can do with it. ILIAS can be used for a wide range of usage scenarios, is suitable for a whole variety of different types of users and training formats, and its look can be adapted to diverse design needs.

We are looking for simple solutions, cruelly-underestimated tools, clever usage misappropriations, little ‘helping hands’, tricks to show off with, ingenious effects: small effort – large effect, simple production processes, attractive teaching and learning scenarios or tips that every user of ILIAS just has to know about!

We look forward to solutions and recipes from the ILIAS community and will see how they work and how they can be used.

Wild Card

What is shown in these presentations and workshops is what ILIAS users have always wanted to tell us about. Be it innovative, new tools or a prototype or a new trend or research contribution.

Let's be surprised!

Contribution Formats

  • Practical Application Review: A contribution focusing on practical experience in the use or development of tools/use of methods/etc... The contribution should start with a theoretical part and then move on to either a ‘show and tell’ or to working through a specific example of the practical application of the tool/method etc. The results of the session will be included in the overall conference report. Submissions from heterogeneous teams such as companies and educational institutions are also possible.
  • Prototype and Product Close-Up: Here we are looking for contributions that describe and present innovative new tools that can be shown as working prototypes or finished products. After a brief theoretical introduction, the room should then turn into a hands-on demonstration lab, in which the (future) users will be able to try out your prototype/product and give feedback.
  • Workshop: Workshops will be spaces in which we can take stock and exchange information on particular conference topics. Together with the participants, you will work on the conference topic in question and record a result. The active involvement of the participants is the important thing here. Workshops should not be a collection of lectures, but rather an open space for discussions and other forms of active participation. The results of the workshops will be published. For example you could do something like the following: Workshops With a Scientific Focus (a discussion about the preliminary results of research into current, but not yet widely established trends, input + discussion + further development); Idea Workshops (presentation of an idea with subsequent discussion/exchange of ideas between the participants and the joint further development of the idea) or Project Workshops (Discussion and comparison of [interim] results from projects, exchange of experience/knowledge, solutions to a concrete question).
  • ‘How-To’ Tutorial: A ‘How-To’ tutorial should give a comprehensive overview of a thematically self-contained subject area, method or tool. A good tutorial should be educational and not just be a brief overview. Tutorials should also be combined with practical exercises (hands-on experience) and should be of sufficient relevance and importance to capture the interest of the audience.

Programme Committee

For the first time, the conference programme was composed by a programme committee made up of members of the ILIAS community. Together with representatives of the organiser OC Open Consulting and the ILIAS association, the programme committee also formed the jury for the call for papers. The members of the committee are:

  • Claudia Glander, CaT Concepts and Training GmbH
  • Katharina Riebe, Hochschule Bremen
  • Jeanette Kristin Weichler, ISE Fraunhofer
  • Karin Wessels, CaT Concepts and Training GmbH