Thread "Where are the developers?"


  • Deleted
    Deleted | 5. Dec 2018, 16:29 Select
    Where are the developers?

    last post in this developer forum is from Aug 2017 - a long time ago. Where are the ILIAS developers? Is there an other place to discuss or ask a question concerning coding? Or are the admin and using-ilias forum a good place for such questions?

    ILIAS_LM | ILIAS_LM | 6. Dec 2018, 08:32 Select
    Where are the developers?
    Hi Quax

    The other forums are user2user based. The (core) developers mainly are developing and fixing bugs. They rarely read the forums. It's a matter of ressources and needs.

    This forum ("ILIAS developers") has been created for discussing topics which come up via the developer's mailing list of the technical board.
    Sometimes they do virtual conferences, so I guess this forum is less used because of direct or virtual meetings and workshops.
  • amstutz
    Timon Amstutz | amstutz | 6. Dec 2018, 08:44 Select
    Edited on: 6. Dec 2018, 08:44 - by Timon Amstutz | amstutz
    Where are the developers?

    Hi Quax

    Thanks a lot for this input, I think this is an important question.

    The answer of Alix is certainly partly right. There are workshops in which developers often participate. Such workshops sometimes also cover really technical topics, such as dependency injection. However, I wonder, why there are not more questions to very concrete topics and problems that occur during the development. 

    Discussing such problems openly would certainly help others to solve similar problems quickly. Especially those who are new to the project. So: Feel free to ask questions ;-).

    Also, note that you can also ask questions regarding ILIAS on stackoverflow, if you feel more comfortable with this plattform. We have an "ILIAS" tag there.. Sadly, it is nearly as dead as this forum.

  • Deleted
    Deleted | 6. Dec 2018, 10:27 Select
    Where are the developers?
    Hi Alix, hi Timon,

    thanks for your answers.

    If this forum ("ILIAS developers") is mainly for the core-developers, how about a new user2user-based forum?

    I missed a place to discuss the questions concerning customizing and themes: where to find a php-template, how to move some files to work, where to find a function, is there a way to do something, how to understand a workflow in the code-structure, etc. Especially - yes - for the beginners ;) It is not enough to say "hey, I can write software and familiar with php, less, ..." - ILIAS has a verry complex structure inside ...

    I assume the plugin-and-addon-forum covers some of these themes. But for me it feels not like the right place for my questions.

    If you say, the ILIAS developer-Forum is the right place, so I flood my questions into this ;)

  • amstutz
    Timon Amstutz | amstutz | 6. Dec 2018, 10:40 Select
    Edited on: 6. Dec 2018, 10:44 - by Timon Amstutz | amstutz
    Where are the developers?
    It is for plugin and core developers, best summary is probably: everything that touches PHP or JS.

    Customizing skins (CSS/Less) is more about administration, so ask your question in this forum, the whole rest:

    Quote (Otto Groschenbügel (quax))
    how to move some files to work, where to find a function, is there a way to do something, how to understand a workflow in the code-structure, etc. Especially - yes - for the beginners ;) It is not enough to say "hey, I can write software and familiar with php, less, ..." - ILIAS has a verry complex structure inside ...

    Go for it! You are perfectly placed here.

    [Edit]Note, best probably create on thread per question, so others find topics of interest easily.[/Edit]

  • Deleted
    Deleted | 6. Dec 2018, 11:32 Select
    Where are the developers?
    Thanks for your reply. OK, so I 'll submit my questions - step by step ;)