Neuigkeiten und Hintergründe zu ILIAS - dem Open Source LMS

Crowdfunding for Data Collection

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] - 17. Dec 2013, 08:59

While everybody is waiting for the newest ILIAS version 4.4 to become stable, some community members are already thinking one step further and collecting ideas and requirements for ILIAS 4.5. A crowdfunding initiative has recently been started by Hansjörg Lauener from University of Berne to extend the Data Collection object of ILIAS. Everyone in the ILIAS community is invited to contribute to the collective funding of these new features!

All feature requests have the aim to improve user experience with the current implementation of the Data Collection and to enhance the possibilities of using this tool for learning and collaboration scenarios as well as for project and knowledge management. The following list contains all features that are currently not funded yet and name the price for implementation[1]. Click on the feature's title to read its feature wiki entry.


No member



Export and Import of Data Collections

CHF 3850

CHF 3420


Easy Editing of Multiple Fields

CHF 720

CHF 684


Grid Editing

CHF 5760

CHF 5472


Enhanced Permission Handling

CHF 360

CHF 342


New Record in Referenced Table

CHF 720

CHF 684


Edit Button in Single View

CHF 360

CHF 342



CHF 5760

CHF 5472


Preview of Attachments

CHF 720

CHF 684


Additional Media Types

CHF 1440

CHF 1368


ILIAS Module Reference with Action Menu

CHF 1440

CHF 1368


New Field Type Formula

CHF 1440

CHF 1368


Clear Distinction Between Table and Field Managing

CHF 1440

CHF 1368


Tiny Editor in Textfields

CHF 2160

CHF 2052


Click to Text or Picture Should Forward to Detail Page

CHF 770

CHF 684

If you want to contribute to this initiative by financing one or more of the listed features, please contact Hansjörg Lauener or Matthias Kunkel for further details.

[1] Because all features will be implemented by the maintainer of the Data Collection, studer+raimann ag, all prices are in Swiss Francs. The first price is the regular price, the second the reduced price for members of the ILIAS society. VAT is not included.


  • User Avatar of lauener

    Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]

    First success: The university of Bern could fund 12% of the crowdfunding. Studer&Raimann already developed them for v. ILIAS 4.5. See:

    => 15 Kommentarfunktion der Detaileinträge - University of Bern (CHF 2052)
    => 16 Blätterfunktion in Detailansicht - University of Bern (CHF 2052)

    Second success: Cognos can help funding a part of the necessary funding for features 1 and 10. Additional funding is highly appreciated.

    Created on13. Mar 2014