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Page Element for Portfolios: Learning History

1 Initial Problem

Learners can not share their learning history with others.
There is no possibility to grant access.

2 Conceptual Summary

Portfolios are used in ILIAS to carry personal information to the outside. (Tutor, Teacher, World)
Therefore, the personal learning history should be included as a page element in the portfolio.

In addition, it should be possible for learners to make certain configurations. (see 3.2)

Blogs are left out as usual for special page elements. (Competencies, certificates, ...)

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Page Editor in Portfolio Pages

3.2 User Interface Details

It should be possible for learners to make certain configurations.

  • entire learning history » automatic
  • Extract of the learning history » manual
    • Period » from dd.mm.yyyy to dd.mm.yyyy (via Day Picker)
    • Type of Achievement (via checkbox)
      • Learning Progress
      • Learning Objectives
      • Competences
      • Badge
      • Certificates
It will offer all types of Achievements that are enabled on the ILIAS installation. Regardless of whether or not the user already has such services.
There are no Filter oder Toolbar for Sorting. Sorting is already on time

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Uses KS-Entry: Vertical Timeline

4 Technical Information

Killing, Alexander [alex], 2 May 2018: The current news timeline implementation implements a "auto show more" loader, when navigating to the end of the page. This will not work as expected if there is additional content after the timeline. Additionally this will not work for multiple timeline elements on the same page. We need to decide on another interaction design here.

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]
  • Maintainer: {Please add your name before applying for an initial workshop or a Jour Fixe meeting.}
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

Killing, Alexander [alex], 2 May 2018: I support the idea in general, but we need to decide on the show more behaviour (see technical issues).

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 09 Jul 2018 : 
We would like to bring an open point concerning the loading of more content of page element to the JourFixe.
Idea A) Auto show more. In order to be able to reload at the bottom of the page, there must be no other below this element.
Idea B) Manual loading of more content at the bottom of the page element with a "Show more" button.
Idea C) Own page type "Learning History" or "Achievements" - next to the two existing page types "Page" and "Blog". Then an automatic reloading at the bottom of the page would be useful.
It also has to be clarified how the PDF export is handled.

I prefer solution 1. However, this is least expected for the user.
Solution 2 is not elegant about usability.
Solution 3 does not allow any further comments (at least at the top of the page).

Hybrid solution: New page type that allows more page elements above.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 16 JUL 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 5.4. We prefer to have a "Show more" button for showing the next bunch of entries. Print and PDF export should show all entries according to settings of the learning history - automatic or manual.

8 Implementation

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 24 OCT 2018 by Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]

  • C24886 : Gesamte Learning History einfügen
  • C24888: Einzelne Types of Achievements aus der Learning History einfügen
  • C24887: Zeitraum der Learning History einfügen


Approved at 2018-10-24 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila].

Last edited: 2. Apr 2019, 20:30, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]